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  1. I dont really care who anyone here likes or not. I didnt ask. in the future, your opinions can be written on toilet paper so they can be used appropriately. got it tough guy?
  2. I said none of those things. Dont put words in my mouth. the reality is that none of you cocksuckers that talk **** here would say a damn thing in person. That was the point. I know at 4’11, a lot goes over your head.
  3. We played like **** and lost. Sorry, i dont fart out rainbow colored unicorns. Get over it. They gave a losing effort and the result reflected it. I called it the way it was. Sorry that wasnt inline with your participation trophy existence.
  4. What threat did i make? I invited you to come see me and talk your ahit in person, which you wont do. your opinion isnt even worthwhile for me to wipe my *** with
  5. Hes not the only reason we lost. defense did nothing to win the game. oline sucked ***. dropped balls by wr’s fumble by jones yeah, rodgers wasnt good. But nobody really delivered a winning effort today
  6. I could give a **** what you want. did you not read earlier in the thread when i put blame on rodgers performance? i NEVER defended rodgers performance tonight. The difference is, i daid the whole team sucked. catch me on the street sometime and see what happens. DM me and ill give you my address. Come talk **** in person cocksucker.
  7. The outcome was readily apparent. maybe you should be more concerned with your own idiocy than being mad at me for seeing an obvious conclusion that you couldnt.
  8. Thats not true. Jesus, im tired of this nonsense. Look at the money and draft capital spent on defense. Why did they under perform all year? Is that 12’s fault? Davante left to play with his college teammate. Would this team look like this if hed stayed? Rodgers has had a high cap hit for a very long time and its never stopped them from fielding a competitive team.
  9. Because the team **** the bed. Youre ****ting on the team too… you just only place blame on 1 person
  10. People around here really thought this team felt like 2010? Really? how does it feel not lnowing your *** from last tuesday?
  11. I blame the ****ty DC’s weve had. Capers sucked after 2010 but we tolerated his ***** *** for years after. Guy after him sucked too. Guy now sucks. Quit hiring ****ty dc’s.
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