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  1. Yeah even Mikes opinions are that valued. Even though hes kind of closer lol. Like what?!
  2. How fitting that the normal crew has been literally been wrong about the draft and has been nothing but toxic about the cavs. @FGK Im gonna need some answers directly from you because they are veterans here and their stupid *** opinions are valued more than anyone else.
  3. Did we get Jack Campbell in the 3rd?!
  4. I told y’all I didn’t want the knicks first. They literally did what they did to us all season just at a much faster rate. We are a very thin team for sure. Talent and body make-up. I’m happy where we are at. We all knew this could happen. Relax a bit. Mitchell is the oldest at 25. We are on the right track. Actually made it to a 7 game series compared to last year.
  5. I was gonna say the EPA would legit **** themselves over that idea.
  6. If he would’ve said Tony Pashos I might’ve had an episode.
  7. Well Embiid abuses everyone he goes up against. He’s the best big man in the league. But he got bailed out more than enough times. Him and Giannis literally throw their shoulder into people and then get the call everytime. It’s sketch.
  8. I read John St. Claire and immediately ran to my safe place.
  9. In all fairness, we weren’t completely healthy. No Rubio, no Allen. And if last night is any indication of how games are gonna be called the 76ers and Bucks will already be in ECF. 24FTA for Giannis against PHX lol.
  10. I bet it’s front loaded with us being able to get out of the contract easy in the next few.
  11. Yeah I think it would be bad to move off Espino especially since we need controllable pitching because of how we run this franchise.
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