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JiffyJag last won the day on September 8 2021

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  • NFL Team
    Jacksonville Jaguars
  • NHL Team
    Minnesota Wild
  • Players
    Mark Brunell

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  1. Send any court docs to my home address: 1 Titans Wy, Nashville, TN 37213
  2. Good work jabroni, you just revealed a bit too much about yourself. Retired Navy Seal? @mods this is Uncle Buck ban evading again
  3. I've been thinking about this for some time but I've had it with the Jaguars. I have a history of cheering for the Titans going back to the first football game I remember watching, the 2000 Superbowl. Watching the Titans squeak out a win on a reception from Kevin Dyson on the final play of the game was thrilling. From then I became a Jaguars fan watching them as the local team. To be fair, 2001 was a good year to get into the Jaguars. After years of disappointment, I've had it with the Jaguars. I'm don't want to pretend to like their stupid draft picks anymore. I've had it with Wario and Waluigi owning what's supposed to be my favorite team. I've had it with never really identifying with the Jaguars. I've had with a team that seems content with mediocrity. I want to stay with the South however. The AFC South is the South division and the South is my home. I don't want to cheer for the state of Texas and I've just never liked Jim Irsay. The Titans just seem to know what they're doing, have a long proven history of sustained success, and their fans are the most knowledgeable. I don't think where I was born was a good way to pick a favorite team and it hope it isn't too late to change that. I want to join the blue side, if you'll have me. Titan Up!
  4. Many people are saying that Kyle Shanahan got the vaccine, which actually implanted a chip into his brain that forced him to completely abandon any semblance of good playcalling in the second half. The man who made the chip is on Tucker next week
  5. For like 5 months out of the year, every year, the ocean gets super pissed off and tries to destroy the state of Florida and surrounding red states. It is overwhelmingly liberal.
  6. There was an incident involving pasta and white supremacy
  7. When a former player attempts to Murder an owner, it tends to get attention
  8. Buddy of mine who is the local butcher told me that Kap “tried to kill” the Jets owner after he refused to sign Kap to the most lucrative deal of all time sad how far Kap has fallen
  9. Not sure how I feel about whicker trying to garner sympathy hmmmm
  10. Wtf? That isn’t what my post said originally……
  11. Mod skirting the profanity policy? My next vote is ET
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