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  1. Outside of week 1 I feel like eagles and redskins have both looked just as good. With both of their losses have come against the chiefs. I can see the argument with the redskins being a bigger threat, although for a full season I see eagles coming on top.
  2. Wouldn't let me register, tried many times and never got an email of.approval. I use to have an account waaaay back in the day can't remember the name but I may or may have not gotten banned for arguing who was better between Westbrook and Tomlinson lol
  3. Yeah the way that man captivated your attention and could change your opinion was mesmerizing. I loved it lol in all seriousness that guy sucked
  4. For years this site wouldn't let me join it's like they were trying to hold us down.
  5. PE all time favorite lol b60 before he went crazy... but really everyone is cool from afar ?
  6. Name: Legend About me: 24 years old and born and raised in southern California, became an eagles fan the year after their last superbowl after liking their colors lol. I roamed this forum for 8+ years so pretty familiar with yall. Go eagles!
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