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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. bruhH. That's a heck of a collection, gamepass is still better but like OOF slap all those on PS+/Now to download and bam. That's a nice haul of games my dude, but I'm like 80% sure gamepass has most of the non exclusives.
  2. Gonna be a 40 minute countdown trailer to the price of $399.
  3. Both are pieces of ****. But like one is hot so who cares. Also both are technically still employed by WB at the moment.
  4. The second revision of the Xbox Series S rebranded.
  5. Ngl after the Jackson debacle my whole inspiration for BDL just died and it never recovered. Rags brought me in and he took me out to complete the full BDL circle.
  6. "entire career" man has 3 acting roles. Whedon being a POS is old news at this point. Mamoa is like the one actor from JL who WB can't just murder by putting in bad movies for the rest of their career given he's a pretty big star for them. (Poor Ezra Miller)
  7. I give it 2 offseasons before I"m back running another team into the dirt.
  8. Hence why I quit in june and gave plenty of time for ya'll to find a replacement. I apologize to the new owner of the team, ya got ****ed my boy.
  9. When did BDL become mafia. Also I know when he died because I killed him. Granted the blood on my watch was a lil hard to decipher.
  10. ............I quit in June dude whicker wasn't dead back then c'mon now.
  11. the anime was great the story not but idc this gif alone was worth it.
  12. PC and mobile, sign me up boi.
  13. 1. All of the movies were profitable outside of solo and like we all get one. 2. Outside of the NT Star Wars has been pretty ****ing fantastic. Mandalorian, Rebels, Kenobi, Clone Wars etc. Plus the bad batch which looks like it's gonna be awesome, also pretty much every director has had creative control except for the Phil lord+Chris MIller who got replaced by the puppet Ron Howard #Releasethelordnmillercut. 3. Controversies sure but like EH. Money is all the mouse cares about. 4. 1. She's not in charge of the films (on a day to day basis/making the decisions that lead to Boyega ending up being nothing more than the new checker mark) she's a producer who oversees the studios and just nods while the directors decide all that ****. Blame the directors, and yes she does approves scripts but like you think she reads those? I know I wouldn't. The biggest crime of the trilogy was Disney made it in the first place, we didn't need a ST we needed a NEW Trilogy. Yeah Lucas is just chilling in retirement, Filoni ain't doing that that man has dealt with angry starwars fans for a decade he ain't risking getting removed from lucasfilm because they offer him the top job. Favreau maybe, but also like he's one of Disney's aces so they might just let him do the Manadlorian and pick a new lil project.
  14. That's just blatant b.s aside from charging $60 for ports and and their mobile games division. EA and Activison have actual micro-transactions and b.s in their $60 games. Dude this is the definitive way to play more Mario, when has Nintendo every cheaped out on a mario game that wasn't a sports game?
  15. Xbox: LOOK AT THIS BIG CHONK. Also Xbox: look at this tiny lad. PS5: Only chonk. Really curious about the engineering decisions behind these consoles.
  16. They're HD upscaled ports with HD textures. Nintendo prioritized the original style more than uptouching anything.
  17. Gimme a sig and I'll slap it in. My only condition is it has to be forum friendly lol.
  18. Possible but Sony was waiting for microsoft to drop their price so they can undercut them. PS5 Gonna be $200 and sony just gonna eat the costs or match the series S IMO. Or just go for the middle ground and shoot for the PS4 launch price of $399.
  19. Nintendo had like 0 games the first half of the year announced. Literally just Xenoblade and then they come out banging with a mario collection and a hell of a good looking Hyrule Warriors game which will be CANON. God their E3 would've been ridiculous with all of this but no just surprise drops.
  20. Merchandise and ratings will probably see a boost. Easily the worst NFL attendance record will be set this year.
  21. Very likely would've been revealed in march with some of the bonus stuff saved for June/E3/The Tokyo Olympics. Covid royally screwed nintendo this year more than most game developers because it screwed their entire year of mario thing. But also the limited thing is something they've done in the past.
  22. The logic makes sense because under fire maybe trubisky puts in a little more effort and makes that next step. If not they have a viable alternative starter who got a decent amount of first team reps.
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