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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. They'll put them on steam and never on the microsoft store so it gives microsoft no benefit. Microsoft sees 0 money unless it's on a microsoft store front.
  2. Microsoft is the reason we have paid online AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. but das nice.
  3. OH NO. He has a month he'll probably be fine.
  4. Why I'm up at 3am and why that's a bad idea.
  5. This, XC2 made me go hunt down a Wii Emulator to play the original and it was glorious at 60fps even if it looked like a Wii game. That was 2 years ago. I don't regret it but like the definitive edition would've made my life easier lol.
  6. It's a bandai namco game so just like get it half off and you'll be fine, Namco is generally fine but then there's jump force and like every other anime game done by them. Otherwise eh go hunt down some reviewers you trust and see if they enjoyed/did reviews.
  7. Speaking of hikes. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1055540/A_Short_Hike/ Go play a short hike is fun game go.
  8. Is this why you always lose by the time voting wraps?
  9. Different games. This but the original came out for the Wii/WiiU. Do not bother with the 3DS version I'm amazed that game even exists to this day. I've played all of the Xenoblade games and I recommend 1 for it's better gameplay/characters. Think of it as a final fantasy universe where the only major connections between games are nods and references. Nope stand alone games that don't need each other's story to understand one another. However XC2 has some pretty damn good fanservice for people who played the first game, like spoilers I guess but it's literally in the season pass for XC2. XC1's MC's voice actor came back for XC2.
  10. Oh I'm quitting I'm just gonna miss these BDL arugments. I've already found a successor to just waiting on him to confirm.
  11. Anyone thinking of splitting a contract over multiple years is nuts. We're not doing that in any BDL year math is hard, either a full stopgap of they don't count against the cap but count $350 and their contract tolls to the next year. Or their contract stays the same and we just treat it like an injury. There's no decent middleground without unnecessary complications for how we handled contracts in the past and future.
  12. This. This a special circumstance and will not change the status of those players, however we should address the opt out players by at least considering slashing the salary cap if a player is going to sit out the year they shouldn't get paid (they will in the NFL but only the minimum 150-350k)
  13. That's like asking a dead owner to find a replacement.
  14. Hope the new portland owner doesn't get any opt outs.
  15. I forgot Geno existed until this thread. so no.
  16. If I had to guess Fitz will probably try and go for the record. I can see him playing into his 40's he hasn't had injury issues and is that kinda dude work ethic wise.
  17. It took me a second but oh yes. A man of culture.
  18. PR nailed the font this time around I see.
  19. Not a terrible idea, but like I'd rather see an animated one in the castlevania esque style because oh boy that'd be the best. Season 2 was already filming if I had to guess the mini-series is nowhere near actual production and even if it does get close to it lol with the current world we're living in making international filming a nightmare. I think S2 of the witcher stopped filming as well.
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