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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. Football puns since it's football. Intentional Sounding is a personal favorite. I think you're overestimating BDL's intelligence if you think there's only 15 idiots. I like it tbh.
  2. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/770/Every_Game_from_Choice_of_Games/ Pick one that sounds interesting and have fun, it's a text based game entirely.
  3. You've always been the bad guy, only the bad guys try to help people and get blamed for trying.
  4. But you can hear about it on the podcast which still needs a name for branding.
  5. https://www.badgerdleague.com/ All in on the Backup BDL if the NFL season gets cancelled.
  6. If there's no pre-season there's pretty much zero reason to do wait for it ya know? But also like I'd suggest waiting until mid-august for as much info as possible regarding the season.
  7. None of those is a bad anime except maybe SAO but like eh. The problem is the order.
  8. This is being produced by the westworld people so 100%.
  9. Probably for the best, rookies ain't gonna be making an impact this year.
  10. I can say you have good taste but I'e seen 3/10. This list hurts my soul.
  11. Like I kid but it's fricking microsoft they just bought studios roughly 2 years ago and they're just barely in the development phase for AAA games. Expect the classics and maybe teases no actual big games coming at launch unless they paid for a couple exclusives like last gen.
  12. Can't wait for Forza, Gears spinoff, Forza again, no halo and a reboot of an old microsoft IP no one wanted and that's it.
  13. There's a couple interviews with Thano's snap being random from the directors, I'd dig through the thousands of "WHO SURVIVED INFINTIY OMG" click-bait headlines from 2 years ago but effort. I mean it's all ******* headcanon who cares really.
  14. It's random in universe, meta wise we all know why the OG avegers survived. The same reason every movie ends with the good guys winning, it was always gonna end that way. You'd have to ask the writers who are on probably still on vacation until the next avengers/small project they're doing is up.
  15. He didn't choose who died, he snapped half the universe out of existence. You don't choose what cards you get in blackjack why would Thanos?
  16. Gonna have to address this for QBs going forward because this is going to become the standard. Yearly negotiations with the contract committee on how your QB is going to cost, such fun. I'd say a proposal of a 1 year deal fixed at the salary cap/whatever the IRL Deal is and at the end of the deal you can decide to keep him or not without wasting a 3up because you already used one. If it's a fixed amount and not a salary cap % as reported well business as usual.
  17. Literally only Farve I think and I think the Packers traded him before his contract ran out.
  18. Mahomes presents an interesting question, should his 3up count for the full 10 years or just 5 like is standard. I'd say 5 because i don't think we should allow 10 year contracts even for IRL contracts but that's up to the council.
  19. Infinity War was much more ambitious but endgame stuck the landing and killed off it's main villain like 30 minutes into the movie.
  20. If you've ever wanted an N"IF"L video here's a playlist.
  21. Also as a heads up twitch deletes vods/videos after like (3?) months so you might wanna archive your vids on youtube or something.
  22. But no catgirls Fallout new vegas would like to shoot you in the ehad.
  23. Amazon has putting money into their shows so I'd expect something a little higher budget, but who knows they could cheap out given they have 17 billion in the LOTR TV show.
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