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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. There are so many potential answers to this question, I'll go with the basic one. We know about the long term recovery for most people because for the people who receive long term damage (damaged lungs, shortened breath for months after having it etc.) because we know what the outcomes of those are to a certain extent because of people who deal with those issues we don't know the exact effects of the virus but projection based on similar diseases/conditions is accurate-ish. There is a lot we don't know about the virus and the people saying we'll have a vaccine within 18 months are probably correct. We'll have a "vaccine" but only that likely won't be effective or have a high success rate. I have a feeling Pharma will get one to market but it won't be effective. It took us decades to understand most viruses and even longer to find a cure. Ironically ebola discovered in 1976 didn't get a potential cure/vaccine until december of 2019. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/first-fda-approved-vaccine-prevention-ebola-virus-disease-marking-critical-milestone-public-health While there is a much higher urgency to find for Covid-19 vs. Ebola there is still a lot we don't know.
  2. Not a lie I'm done. Good luck finding a replacement. I'll miss BDL and ya'll but I'm not in the right headspace for it.
  3. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works. Covid19 has killed 100,000+ Americans you don't just get it and recover, some people have lasting damage, some people will never recover but are still alive, some people make it out fine.
  4. Yeah it has a much bigger power profile this time around and will generate a lot of heat.
  5. We're likely getting graphics cards this year that will outperform consoles. The 3080 TI Super or whatever the heck they're calling it supposedly leaked.
  6. https://www.itworld.com/article/2709294/thoughtful-speculation-on-ps4-price--crazy-rumors-on-xbox-720-internals.html https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/xbox-720-rumors-the-rumors-that-might-be-true/ https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/staying-in/video-games/xbox-720-durango-infinity-release-1862788 It's fun to look back at speculation about previous console gens. God I forgot windows 8 existed until I read the second one. I'm still waiting for the Microsoft shoe to drop, we've had one every single generation since the 360, the 360 was rushed out the door, the Xbox one had the freaking kinect.
  7. It's not it's a pre-order price to guarantee priority of a unit when they get stock. Actual retail will be between $400-$500. I'd imagine it's gonna be on the scale of the OG spiderman. Just easier development time because no new assets need to be made.
  8. On the consoles not sure if accurate or not because the PS5 we saw was a render and renders aren't always as accurate because scaling doesn't matter. I mean I'll take it. Insomniac putting out two launch titles is pretty impressive considering Spiderman came out 2 years ago in September. I feel like this started out as DLC but Sony pushed them to make it a standalone game but who knows.
  9. Nah. He's the only director confirmed attached to a star wars project at this point. That was D&D from GOT that got dropped. Taika is also supposed to be making a star wars movie but like that's rumor. Kevin Feigee is producing one at some point so like eh. Also there's a star wars film slated for 2022 but I'm like 90% sure that ain't happening unless RIan's project moves forward or someone else has a project ready to go early-mid 2021.
  10. Long story short production issues pre-virus and it was hard to get one before the virus hit. Then production issues with the virus, plus lack of parts, shipping, plus SCALPERS SELLING SWITCHES FOR $700. It is a whole mess and you cannot get a switch unless you luck out ordering one online but scalpers have been using a bot to order them and then re-sell them.
  11. Good luck mate lol. It's the old battery model those probably are all gone with like every other switch.
  12. No you're not wrong. It looks like a fricking futuristic tech box from 10 years ago. I appreciate the design but it's gonna age badly. Where as Microsoft thought so hard outside of the box they just expanded the box and stood it up straight.
  13. Could be a spinoff game could go the Arkham route and let you have multiple playable characters with different skillsets etc. I'd lean Arkham Route. Bruh that's a great lineup to start off with. Sucker Punch worked on ghosts of Tshushima, Spiderman fills the role of a superhero game for the first 2 years. There's some things we don't know specifically if Sony is gonna go the Cortana/Siri route with two mics in the controller. Yeah nope. Either a spinoff game or Myles is gonna be a bigger part of it.
  14. It's $500. The Digital version will be the same price as Xbox's cheaper lockhart. Which might literally just be a diskless Xbox series X at this point lol.
  15. Bruh Sony owns Insomniac it's gonna be an exclusive.
  16. Eh he's a 3rd rounder and he supposedley didn't do anything illegal. I question his choices to bring his kid to a place with " loaded assault weapons". But if ya gotta stay with family I guess there's not much you can do.
  17. Bruh people care lol. Probably gonna trend on twitter.
  18. He still put himself before the team (rightfully so don't me wrong) but still he's a wildcard.
  19. I get it but this screws over our FA bids a bit, also forum rules be damned I agree with that post. Any chance we can move the deadline to Midnight Monday night for final bids. I feel like an ***hole for saying that kinda.
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