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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. I think GTAV has sold like 120 million copies or something ridiculous but free is free, never hurts to have an extra copy I guess. Also yeah epic's pretty decent storewise. I still prefer GOG or Steam because DRM free and well steam has like 80% of my library but they're a decent alternative though I wish they'd offer something else other than decent discounts once in a while. (I mean free games are cool and all but eh?) https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/xbox-one/accessories Gamestop's offering an Xbox one controller (pre-owned) for $29.99 if you wanna gamble on that. I'd say no but %50 off a controller depending on shipping costs is pretty solid.
  2. Whose taking you to the retirement home? Jimmy nolegs?
  3. The site just straight up crashed because of the amount of people trying to claim the game yesterday so they're probably being a little management heavy so the servers don't crash again.
  4. Vice City and 3 barely hold up. GTA IV is pretty good until you realize GTA V is just so much better why bother.
  5. Well Belcher retired, quite suddenly. It's a 1 year FA cut and feel free to have the name removed from the roster but ya gotta pay the piper. The ugly ugly piper that is some players. Don't forget ole crab molestor. dis. I wasn't even in BDL back then and I know he wasn't. He rode your roster till the end of the season. I'm like 34% sure you 3downed him or he was 1year FA cut.
  6. According to the blue monster this is a bad looking paper mario game. Also this pretty much confirms the "no nintendo june direct" rumor.
  7. If you like reading anything from Choice of Games/Hosted games. They're basically CHYOA adventure novels with some excellent writing. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.hostedgames.studyinsteampunk&hl=en_US - my favorite one there's a list of free ones on their site.
  8. Do you accept own feathers as currency?
  9. The fact I'm not no.7 irritates me to no end.
  10. Yeah man I'd normally smack talk you but I don't got the energy for that. Have a cute dog.
  11. It's technically 4k. It's upscaled from like 1440p if I remember correctly so it's not true 4k. Depends on the game honestly but generally most PS4 Pro games do not run at 4k. Xbox one X games, again depends but a decent chunk do. .....Bruh making my post look like ****. Graphics and good looking games has always been a bigger thing than FPS. This is ubisoft, they learned their lesson with Watchdogs 1 and aren't gonna announce something until it's 100%. Or they'll do it anyway cause UBisoft.
  12. I think it's well over 3,000 for me at this point.
  13. Bill Bellicheck. He's nothing without his hoodie we all know this.
  14. This is modern square enix my man. Final Fantasy 15 took what 10+ years? KH3 started development in 2013. FF7R has been teased as far back as 2005 as a demo for the PS3, well the intro cutscene anyway. Granted it didn't enter actual development until either 2014 or 2015. Assuming the second part is on the same scale as the first part we're looking at another 3-5 year dev cycle likely to be faster cause assets and engine are all built but the Virus is gonna hurt that a bit. I'd say 4 years minimum at least.
  15. So we still doing FA in june or we waiting to see if the season even happens this year?
  16. I feel like PS4 disc will just be popped into the system and you can just play them on the legacy system like they talked about a while ago. Digital purchases will be interesting to see if that carries forward because the PS3 to PS4 transition you had to rebuy those games.
  17. What's funny is their 2020 lineup has been pretty great. Their 2021 lineup looks super sketch, I'm still amazed Sony didn't delay Ghosts of Tshuima, LOU2, or Final fantasy 7 into a PS5 exclusive. FF7R as a system exclusive would've been a massive seller at launch.
  18. The season would be postponed entirely, the NFL is gonna have a potential half season.
  19. I mean I agree but Maul coming back had so many cool storylines so eh.
  20. They'll both be $449.99 I'd guess both consoles end up around the $300-$400 range because of the economy and companies and especially Sony are willing to take losses on a console early to get units out the door. The major question is the second Xbox "lockhart" Microsoft might have, or a potential cheaper version from Sony.
  21. They're waiting for each other to blink so they can counter with a lower price. If Xbox goes first, at say $400. I'd bet sony says $300 etc. Or maybe Sony says $400 Xbox says $500 for the series and $300 for the rumored lockhart box.
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