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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. If you're gonna talk politics at least talk about the penguin vs. scientist war that's been going on for the past decade or so.
  2. Auckland Trades:Auckland 2017 1st.Auckland 2018 3rd.Jake RyanCamden Trades:Kawann Short You'd have to ask Camden who those players were/what the picks were traded for. Pretty sure the old forum ate the draft threads.
  3. Pretty sure Kawann Short is the longest tenured Portland Owl under my tenure and probably the worst trade I've ever done. Which is saying something. May his expensive *** rebound in the NFL cause he deserves better than the one rigged playoff game he saw with us.
  4. 3downs: Int Kawann Short. Int Malik Jackson Interior lineman are not worth 1st round picks holy ****.
  5. Eh depends on the game but that's like the one upside of physical nowadays, selling it back. Granted you'll generally only get $40 back depending on the game.
  6. The difference between a 6th seed and a 7th seed isn't that significant and depending on coaching it really doesn't matter. But it depends on the year/actual team play to judge how this will do long term. I'd say compare the past 10 years worth of 6th seeds for an average guess as to how they'll perform.
  7. No the team bus is normal sized but just on fire and half the players are lighting their joints on the burning bus.
  8. You ever just realize somebody else already thought of your idea and the time you invested in it was all wasted?
  9. Rules: There are no rules except the ones on this forum so please abide by them. Why this exists: I think we all need a general outlet and while yes there are dozens of topics dedicated to specific things there is not one dedicated to general nonsense. I'll start us off, how are ya'll coping with life as we know it?
  10. You're too handsome for this forum get out but come back so we can look at ya. Aren't you a former mod? Have some tact my man. Climb a tree and I don't mean that in a negative sense I mean that in a go for a nature walk if possible kinda way.
  11. So what are the odds one of swag/malf/Ragnarok die tonight?
  12. This is why I wanted to lynch forge dangit.
  13. There's 5 robins. Nightwing/Robin. Batgirl. I'd expect just Batman/Robin but gotta fill spots and those are decent role stuffers.
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