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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. Which newscaster did you father a child with?
  2. I feel like Rocksteady's has been in development for 4-5 years now. Heck they could be working on the HP game for all we know. 100% on the console Delays, especially with Sony still trying to nail down the final specs for the PS5 (CPU,GPU, securing ram, storage etc.) and with the production/manfacturing/logicistical issues because of the virus that will likely plague this year especially on memory/SSDs Sony is screwed. Xbox maybe less so because they seem to have been farther along in production but it doesn't hurt to match Sony with a delay and get more units prepped in advance.
  3. I feel like only one of those three get announced. Rocksteady's game might get put on hold because of the thing going around and saved for a year where it will do better saleswise. The Batman game will likely also be released in 2021 to get a sales boost from the 2021 batman movie. That harry potter game feels like it's going to be a 2020 game, but it's not even announced yet so.
  4. You laugh but Microsoft has............Ori? Halo+Gears+Forza all have multiplayer. Without Geralt*? Probably. Which will be interesting because Geralt is best boi.
  5. This is the worst news I've heard today.
  6. I'd expect them all to have events in june if only because tradition and that's been the gaming news dump era for 2+ decades now. Think devolver digital confirmed they'd do a livestream in june but I can't find the tweet.
  7. You're just projecting my man. Also it kind of is, once you're used to spending X amount of money it's hard to just NOT spend money when you've budgeted for things. Like for instance you make 1 million a year, oh crap now you got let go and work for maybe 50k/yr if you finished college.
  8. YAY. I was about done with EA until brought Madden back to PC. Damn you origin.
  9. My counterpoint to that is, what's the difference between not wanting to play anymore and not physically being able to play anymore? Most NFL teams will ask for their money back unless you have the rare exception of the steelers and Ryan Shazier who have kept him on the roster so he'd have NFL medical treatment and they'd still pay him. The Colts didn't go after Luck's signing bonus because they don't want the bad PR/potentially want him back. NFL teams do what suits them not the player (Unless you're the steelers, which makes zero sense but ya know NFL)
  10. https://money.com/nfl-players-retire-bankruptcy-life-expectancy/ that study I referenced. I think you're overestimating how competent with money the average american is. https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/research/personal-bankruptcy-statistics/ Not sure how reliable "THE FOOL.COM" is but the chart they have in that article seems consistent with others I've looked at. To make a short point, the more money you have the more expenses you have. Especially when most NFL players can't get medical coverage anymore due to having played in the NFL. https://www.fool.com/retirement/2017/05/01/this-is-the-no-1-reason-americans-file-for-bankrup.aspx https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/11/this-is-the-real-reason-most-americans-file-for-bankruptcy.html - using more than one reference because duh. It varies from player to player, even the higher end ones/people who made money who end up with cushy analyst jobs/coaching jobs etc. (Warren Sapp, Romo etc.) end up having money issues (Sapp)
  11. I was waiting for one of these takes. 90% of NFL (and former) players aren't millionaires, most go bankrupt after like 5 years according to that one study. Superstars are only asking for what teams are willing to pay them, i don't see how you're being greedy for trying to get everything you are worth when your career can end in one play and you might not even see half your contract if the team's legal department feels it can money back from you (See Calvin Johnson and the greedy lions ownership)
  12. Both would involve phallic like things. In other news, Portland has a Logo not stolen from google images for once. Thanks PR, this looks incredible.
  13. What's the install size, 300 GB?
  14. Oh god. Those first two....are something. The third one looks real good PR. Congrats.
  15. Kinda reminded me of this piece's discussion a young QB learning to read NFL defenses. https://theundefeated.com/features/deshaun-watson-and-the-intellect-of-black-quarterbacks/
  16. I haven't played league in like 4 years so I can't say what they've recently done. https://www.businessinsider.com/redditors-explain-how-they-spent-thousands-of-dollars-league-of-legends-2015-3 https://esportsedition.com/league-of-legends/lol-microtransaction-madness-tencent/ But generally the game is so focused on you spending money you pretty much have to to keep up. Champions, skins, RP boosts etc. are locked behind a paywall and champions are how you progress/play the game so.
  17. A Riot games free to play game, who are owned by tencent. Nope. You'll need to buy a level up allowance for .99cents per level up or some nonsense. Not touching this one.
  18. If I remember correctly you have to match their IRL contract exactly, so replacing the BDL salary entirely unless his BDL is higher. So you don't get a choice in years. There is no limit to my knowledge but there's generally a limited number of players this applies to on your roster so. Nope.
  19. I think it's more of the dude just straight up forgot like Rags said. Also I doubt he has a lawyer, his agent isn't responsible for his client's gun. This. Almost exactly this, except I wonder how the **** he didn't deal with this sooner given he's been a jet for close to a year now.
  20. Nah this is his own fault. No idea where you're getting that from.
  21. He'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. He'll get a fine and likely probation and that will be the end of it.
  22. 2027 or nada. Might be a case of he hasn't graded him yet. But likely dude's just making controversial rankings for clicks. +1 to SirA. for my exact reason of nope.
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