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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. I'm so sad we let him go but we got a d-line playing FB so how can I complain.
  2. Nah wouldn't be fair to the rest of ya'll.
  3. Bravo. Working with MD4L is like working with bodies, not a lot of work but once in a while ya just gotta hit it with a shovel. Good to hear you're ok. See Jlash's snark.
  4. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001103857/article/punter-michael-turk-thrills-at-nfl-combine-with-25-bench-reps
  5. Modern Doctor who did this and it worked. I'd go in detail but spoilers Also "woke" is such a loaded term holy hell, it's a reboot with a new twist sometimes that's a new lead to appeal to a new audience the original didn't capture before. Also really it doesn't matter what the property is, people don't like change or reboots so you're screwed no matter what you change especially with a movie adaptation where ya gotta tweak/fix/work things into a 1-2 hour runtime.
  6. This is probably correct but admitting I'm wrong is a sign of weakness so I'll only admit to Romo being very good for the school he came from. We're all biased. Also pics or it didn't happen.
  7. I think highly of Romo and with some better luck/non injuries I think he would've been considered a top 20 QB all time. I consider that an underachiever when all is said and done. Yeah for an UDFA QB he's done well and above what anyone expected. For a QB people insist is a "great" one he's not that, he was a very good QB who never could come up in big moments or consistently win. Granted a bunch of that is on Dallas/Garrett/Jerruh but Romo's failings are still his failings regardless of the excuses everyone brings up for him.
  8. He was a potential top 5 QB all time and injuries/his inconsistency to make big plays hurt him. But Dez Didn't make that catch and it ended there. I didn't say he had to have a ring, but more often than not he came up short when needed. He's a good QB but people championing him as a great QB need to take a step back, he's worse than Phillip Rivers who at his best was just very good.
  9. I like Romo. Does not change the fact he has never lived up to his potential due to a variety of factors and if it wasn't for his personality many people would not defend him from what he actually is.
  10. Trent Dilfer more than anyone tbh. Romo was a very good QB once upon a time but injuries/luck/choking made him less than what he could've been. And how many playoff wins/superbowl wins/playoff appearances? Stats do not make a great QB.
  11. Mariota had the better pedigree but Locker failing sucks more because every time he got hurt we got to hear announcers say he's in the hurt locker and it was glorious. Tyus Bowser never sacked Mariota once and this is a shame.
  12. You're hired. We start Monday, be there or be cut in half and reincarnate as a sith force ghost trapped in a cubicle.
  13. Just you wait. Todd Howard will market the hell out of it Then you'll play it and wonder why the hell it crashed 4 times before you finished the character customizer. . Seconded.
  14. Starring Sheev, Palpatine. By day he is the family man politician who can do wrong. By night he is scary sith man who goes dancing to find that lady to make the rey plotline make sense. Season 1 ends on a cliffhanger of if Palpatine will or won't kill the comic relief Darth Plaguise the wise guy.
  15. Don't forget your fantasy teams my man. Awww. Awww. get a room.
  16. Fair. Mostly making a joke about the microtransactions in it. It's a good game but Esports do not make it a top 5 shooter from the past 5 years. Not even top 15 imo.
  17. I'm sure it's in your top 5 for things you waste money in for sure.
  18. I disagree. It's not a harem, it's a monster collection.
  19. Ubisoft Europe my dude. They're the second biggest game developer in europe. Ubisoft does suck their games are nothing more than grindy microtransaction ridden time sinks. Also name one Ubisoft game that's a top 20 game in it's genre.
  20. That should be Keshawn Johnson and or Chad Johnson
  21. A #1 WR can be triple covered and still come up with the game winning TD/make plays when you need them to. Megatron/Andre Johnson/ Stevie Johnson etc.
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