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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. They've talked it up and have done some decent backwards compatibility this gen. You have to wonder if that starts to go away once they focus on new products though. I like Microsoft's new push with Gamepass and their games finally coming to PC, along with Phil Spencer not being the idiot who oversaw the Xbox One's terrible launch, plus focusing on more studios etc etc. However it's still Microsoft so I'm cautious of them screwing themselves in some shape or form, them naming their console the Xbox Series X is kinda stupid but them just calling the product "Xbox" in a press release just reeks of them trying to push a brand. Still we have almost a full year left before we see the actual consoles launch.
  2. It's generally the first 3-4 years of the console generation. If PS4 games are backwards compatible as Sony says they are, you might honestly see the entire generation have PS4/PS5 versions. Heck the Wii is still getting games to this day because of that. You won't get every single new game on the PS4 but expect the 1st 2-3 years to have PS4 versions. Same goes for Xbox as well but we'll see their stance on backwards compatibility at launch.
  3. Xmad

    Kyle Long retires

    His career didn't last as long as it should've but NFL players should put their health and family before anything. Glad he could still walk away, dude was a beast when healthy.
  4. Incorrect. Correct. Example #1 of why I'm a terrible game show host.
  6. I second this statement. I just find this kinda hilarious when in reality we're just swapping MVP caliber QBs. Only reason I agree to it is because Jackson is the ravens QB and the dude really fits my identity of a run first offense. Whatever, it wouldn't be BDL if people didn't throw a hissy fit over things that didn't need their input.
  7. T W O HA _ SAND W H I _ HES AND A DVD OF _ A _ E OF _ONES Partially correct but we don't take half guesses.
  8. T W O HA _ SAND W H I _ H _ S AND A DVD OF _ A _ _ OF _ON_S
  9. Both of you had a trade approved in January of last year but sure.
  10. Because of the spreadsheet not being done or a new rule I forgot about?
  11. Since when is there an embargo on trades post bizzbowl?
  12. Yeah it's not like Palpatine had a clone army at one point or anything. In universe, probably some sith cultist who bowed down to palpatine so Palpatine tried to clone him to see if he could clone force users. In reality, Snoke is just a nothing character J.J set up as the big bad of the Sequel trilogy that got cut in ep.8 because Kylo was more interesting.
  13. T W O HA _ _ AND W H I _ _ _ _ AND A DVD OF _ A _ _ OF
  14. Xmad

    Tom Time

    Retirement because that's how I want his career to end. He's gonna come back until he wins another SB though.
  15. T W O _ A _ _ AND W _ I _ _ _ _ AND A DVD OF _ A _ _ OF _ ON_ _ Two Ws.
  16. Ravens in a landslide 53-3 blowout. Then get squashed in the AFC title game because dreams must be crushed and the NFL doesn't like successful QBs that aren't passers.
  17. T _ O _ A _ _ AND _ _ I _ _ _ _ AND A DVD OF _ A _ _ OF _ ON_ _ One T.
  18. Holy hell what a saturday for the playoffs. Also Portland would like to Thank Mahomes for his services and welcome 99% chance to be MVP Lamar Jackson to the team.
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