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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. _ _ O _ A _ _ AND _ _ I _ _ _ _ AND A DVD OF _ A _ _ OF _ ON_ _
  2. _ _ O _ A _ _ AND _ _ I _ _ _ _ AND A D_D OF _ A _ _ _ _ _ ON_ _
  3. _ _ _ _ A _ _ AND _ _ I _ _ _ _ AND A D_D _ F _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ N_ _
  4. _ _ _ _ A _ _ AND _ _ I _ _ _ _ AND A D_D _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ N_ _
  5. _ _ _ _ A _ _ AND _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AND A D_D _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ N_ _
  6. _ _ _ _ A _ _ A _D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A _ D A D_D _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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  9. Send me offers. Read and https://media.giphy.com/media/l3V0px8dfZmmfwize/giphy.gif However I am open to trading Mahomes.
  10. Seconded. I have November in the whicker quits pool, who wants in?
  11. Until the cowboys announce it, it's not news it's speculation.
  12. Yet you tried to remove him not 24 hours ago. This is why I like wwhick, he'll throw anyone under the bus.
  13. Death Valley Undertakers Las Vegas Hotshots
  14. That's nothing. Just a hot day compared to some things in this universe.
  15. Death Vallley is just a warm Desert so eh. You have to have earth gravity in your stadiums otherwise the whole concept of physics gets thrown into the mix and BDL people already can't do math.
  16. The animated stuff is IMO the best star wars has to offer (now that being the mandalorian) but it's hard to get into. If only because they've been getting worse since Filoni/Disney have been focused on other things. Oh that's fine I'm just saying 90%+ of rumors are hot trash made up for clicks because "IS JAR JAR SNOKE?" gets clicks.
  17. The Y2K Bug resurfaces. WWE 2k20 had so much foreshadowing in the title its nuts. The game should've come out in 2020 after some polishing, it doesn't work in 2020.
  18. The only three confirmed are the TV shows, all movie speculation is pure hope/rumor mill nonsense. Plus whatever other animated series Disney does after Resistance but....don't have high hopes for that unless Filoni is involved.
  19. Whicker coming back before the year has even started is a nice surprise Welcome back to BDL Whicker. .
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