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ThatJerkDave last won the day on November 28

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  • NFL Team
    Green Bay Packers
  • MLB Team
    St. Louis Cardinals

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    St. Louis

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  1. They are beat to hell, and weren't hands down better than the Packers, Lions, Rams, Cowboys, or Bucs last year. Honestly, it is looking like the classic every 5th year the 9ers suck, get a higher draft pick, then get healthy and compete the next season.
  2. It may even cost them a playoff spot. They are the 5 right now, but that is tied with the Chargers. They are only a game up on the Broncos, who IMO are trending up with the 7th spot. Then you have the Colts and Dolphins within striking distance. I doubt that they miss entirely. But it isn't impossible.
  3. So, Tucker goes from possibly the best kicker of all time to complete liability in one year?
  4. How do the bum-*** Texans take out the Jags starting QB and only lead by 3?
  5. It is fun to watch him run around like a toddler though.
  6. NFCW is just about as bad as AFCS and NFCS.
  7. This game is over. Arizona gave them all they wanted for 3 quarters. But the Vikings are good this year.
  8. MN just unzipped their pants and told Arizona what was for dinner. Arizona was like, "I don't want cockmeat sandwich" and MN was like, "we weren't asking what you want."
  9. Cinci and Pitt are going at it. Why do I have the Vikings and Cardinals on the big screen with sound and that game on the smaller tv on mute? I don't know!
  10. I kind of had that feeling, that as soon as Arizona does anything, they will take two steps back and just let Minnesota hang around.
  11. I don't watch the Jets. So Rodgers, Davante, Lazard, Cobb, all those guys are still awesome to me. Anders always will stink though.
  12. Good thing for the Vikings, the Cardinals stink
  13. Sidney Brown or which ever Illini twin it was, ran hella fast!
  14. Aaron Jones double-agent mission in full effect!
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