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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I agree but maybe it enlightens you a little and this was truthful I see you aren't "clued" in on the thread. When you are caught up all should be clear
  2. Look, I've laid out for you why moves failed on me. If you want to continue down this path thats your choice. You made a mistake when you started down this road, you made a mistake by your assumptions, and it would be a bigger mistake to continue it...but you decide If you really thought it was "really really bad" you would have easily been able to make a case. You said you couldn't. You may be reading into flavor that according to the OP is just that flavor, and you read into it at your own discretion....here that failed miserably
  3. I mean if its a consensus to not vote me out by you and ET I'd consider it At the same time, wouldn't you conceding defeat have the same outcome
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