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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. So we have Pickle, Swag, and myself according to Blue And that was turned into Pickle, Daniel, Glen, Tug, Matts Blue said he was redirected from Swag to Daniel, and he failed on me and I assume 1 of the last 3 was also thrown in randomly to get 5 names (happened that way in a star trek game from Nacho) Blue said 3 alignments. Galactic, Rebel and unknown 3rd Matts feels like scum again but I'm not sure he would take the same approach again so soon Tug is an unknown but doesn't feel like he is with anyone or a survivor role Pickle id wager is the most likley 3rd alignment and might be survivor based on his posting So I'd vote Glen
  2. By all means do so. It just annoys me like when you are scum and you try to play off you don't know how a jail works. Like there should be no reason he thought what he did or couldn't figure it out with what I provided. Makes no sense to me. Guess I'm just being annoying as means of showing my frustration
  3. Why not. We know nothing about Blue who made a debacle of my inclusion and is still fumbling it down the sideline
  4. The reason your move failed was/could be 1. You couldn't find me 2. I'm a PGO variant 3. I used a move that prevents all moves from working on me different from #1 4. Somone else used said move from #3 5. I was jailed Now use what I have told you to figure it out
  5. Disagree. You figure it out yet or do i have to claim/spell it out cause you don't understand how your move failed and that there are a number of reasons for that/how it could have. Id say a large amount more town sided reasons than scum
  6. Why would you think scum, thats just using horriblly flawed logic to understand the unknown. Check out a Count Bassie/Frank Sinatra title in relation to that post
  7. If you can figure that out it will be. If you can't, you can just post it, though that would be not be very smart
  8. I had a rum and coke on the moon waiting for Hyliion to join me soon
  9. No info. Just looking at his posts it feels like the stall tactic scum uses
  10. Side between who? KSJ and Tugboat? I'm not hiding if you read lol
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