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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Great playing with you, thought we were doing great Play more for sure! Next one should be up on Friday. I will tag you so you dont miss it In the meantime, beat up rags and steal his mojitos
  2. What the heck So Swag can intentionally blow a game as town but he is a superstar according to you I got outed D2 and instead of accepting the contract and dying cause Mwil was voting me every day to see and everyone would have pounced I did the next best thing. Own scum up until you were lynched. Then switched to trying to make everyone lose cause i was losing. What is wrong with that? I had to get it to 1-1-1 with the two voting each other and me not voting. It wasnt going to happen You are a hypocrite. It's in black and white We got mafia back you must tell the truth about all moves, alignments, reads etc.. do you hear yourself. You all lied. Period
  3. Did you win? No one is disputing you counted to the numbers now. I get it. You weren't town though, that's why you all had fake claims, lied, didnt win from what I know etc. Its all good. You all did great imo
  4. Yeah, but it basically had Mookie cleares until I said he was scum from my info, then somone got him to claim and it was over for him. Just felt like with the red herrings, it would have been clearer with even a minuscule amount of detail
  5. HOST: Top 6 things Government says after the game? Daboyle: Vanilla HOST: X Counselor: Mason HOST: X Touch: Town HOST: This post is all in good fun and 100% a joke
  6. I wanted to, but being invested on N1 made me rethink doing it N2. Seemed everyone was going to vote me as soon as I could be voted so I just had fun making reads
  7. I cant be targeted until I accept the contract, I get resources then to complete it and can be targeted after that point. I win when its completed
  8. Well you didnt win from what I saw so lol You played really well. Didnt win though. You had 3 people and multiple invests moves etc and used the moves almost to perfection I had "I couldnt die" and did imo equally good. I bet others disagree about me. But from having no info I thought it was awesome, especially because 15/25 players said they didnt even read for 3 days. I kept the game going. Did you count to town maybe, you weren't town though. The way I play is find nontown players and see where it goes. My read was right because you weren't town. That's where I end it. After that you went crazy so literally I copied you. You were the name you called me. How can you remotely say i was a blank? I'm not even sure what I did that was wrong. Maybe I didnt need to copy you, sorry if that annoyed you If you want to say it was 4/5 then sure. Still awesome for just reading the thread You are entirely disrespectful to me, so if you want to have the opinion that I really thought Squire was scum and Forge town, that's your choice but its 100% wrong and it's clear as day. Squire was dead on. Once you and Mookie were lynched it was like wtf have I done I need a mislynch to get this down to a draw or I'm left by myself and we all lose The invest wasnt real so what do you want me to say. He and government did for sure. Helped cause they had the moves to execute it. Those day hits were the clincher
  9. I didnt though (though it is always nice to hear considering that's what I claimed my move was lol). First post was about the JLA game cause somebody prevented me from replying after the game lol. Then I didnt really go at him until an hour before night 1
  10. The read on Mwil, TLO and Mookie was probably the best I did this game Now I am going to have to do this with a real move and the threat of dying lol It was tough trying to get people to talk in the beginning and middle, it's like everyone ghosted. That's where I think I helped big time. Was too much work on my end. I tag in @SwAg from now on @MWil23
  11. So my role was Accept a contract Cant be targeted at ALL until I do. Wincon: complete said contract That's it. All the INFO were just reads. That's why I backed them all with actual thread info for extra emphasis. Including the Counselor used a move last night info Didnt I lead the town victory (P.S. I played the role how it was most fun. Actually making reads without the fear of dying, faking info on those reads, and then cause chaos at the end to make everyone lose) I was awesome for town 6/7 days. Then it was about causing chaos and destruction Doesnt help I was basically outed D2 for my actual wincon
  12. Wasnt a miscalculation. It was intentional. I was serious I was losing lol Also, I lost but I can still get MVP (though the last day I tried to make town lose with everyone else so probably not )
  13. Yes it was false and intentionally so, do you not understand. I cant be the last one alive if the game ends. That was my goal after the Touch lynch. Get town mislynched until it was 1-1-1, no one wins I thought there was an indy and a baddie. I misjudged lol My thought since Touch claimed his info was he was correct Malf was scum. I posted 10 times Forge is scum if Malf was You were right when my info became weird after Mookie. Its cause I wasnt genuine. You seemed more town than Matts so i said you were scum and because of the above i said Forge was town. I wasnt going to tell you all anything else but you kept pressuring me. Once touch was lynched I was playing for the everyone loses outcome
  14. I still dont know why you gave up, I had it perfectly set up
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