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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I can start it whenever I'm not starting it today or tonight. I'm almost certain the game should be over and the contract is something that lasts more than half a day lol Maybe like a .1% chance its, be on the nights lynch, but again, I'm not risking it. Just going to play for town and take solace in the fact I played awesome
  2. Havent yet I have to tell Swag when to start it, which would end the day invests for me and allow me to be targeted. I havent done it and dont plan on doing it cause everyone would lynch me then lol
  3. I should add, as long as I use the day invests I can not be targeted at all, day or night
  4. I'm Evelyn. 100% real. I didnt want to claim while Touch was alive because he would have gloated and cried nonstop about it showed I was lying on everything and he wouldnt shut up about that stuff for 3+ days My day invests are 100% real I can use them until I attempt to finish a contract. No idea what the contract is. I win once its finished. Once Counselor outed me and then people started voting me and Swag showed it didnt work I just resigned myself to losing and playing for town.
  5. Why is it false? I have no reason to lie or give false info. There is a reason you are still fixated on the "info" and not on finding scum or pushing anyone today
  6. Yesterday What have I lied about and what can I clear up?
  7. I believe you You are the client, in the episode I am the "Bad guy" Logical both would in the game and the client not as a fake claim @Heimdallr your chooses are Squire or Matts And I am telling you, I am positive my info says its Squire. 100% What specifically is holding you back from believing thism I have been on a war path taking out scum all game. Is it my wincon? My moves? My character? D6, happy?
  8. I answered already @Heimdallr 3 Squire- Orca, Forge, Matt's 1 Forge- Wolf
  9. Stay with us Forge, I'm going to get you and town the win
  10. @wolfeyestrk @Heimdallr @Forge @Matts4313 @squire12 @SwAg Night IS now at 10 PM EST Like this post if it's ok with you all
  11. Depending on whether he allows us to lock votes we could just do that and once there is a majority its automatic @SwAg Can we lock votes as well?
  12. @SwAg Night at 10 PM EST tonight instead of midnight?
  13. After last game with Blue as host no idea Usually it just flips targets, so he bus drives Mwil and Heim. Any move put on Mwil will be done on Heim instead. So if someone killed Mwil as a move it kills Heim. Blue had it that Mwil tries to kill Touch and Heim protects Pickle. the only thing that happens is Mwil Kills Pickle and Heim protects touch The fact that Racks never explained it is very frustrating, though im not sure anyone asked lol Not sure how a host would treat that. Do you target them, visit each, a remote visit type. So many possibilities
  14. Before the N2 writeup. This kept going for days before Racks claimed Michael
  15. Mwil claimed Michael D2....so, yeah, still sketchy
  16. Not that I know, but you can search key words and sort by user, or on the first page of the game, click the link to the writeup for the lynches and scroll back until you see the vote count Swag used
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