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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I dont agree with modkills on purpose It's best to trust me. I've been on the point the whole game, controlling it at almost every step. The one thing I couldn't account for was the mass kill off last night. Until Squite talked about placing a bomb on Malf during the day and tying it to different stuff about his role
  2. Squire really wanted my results lol Kill Squire is the only logical option and the correct one I cant win and I cant die. I'll be here to the end What more do you want from me?
  3. Unless recruiting happened Only options today were Squire Matts Forge
  4. Squire is the bomber. My invest says so I dont have a protection My wincon doesnt involve the government I believe you lol
  5. If I tell you my real wincon will you kill Squire?
  6. It's only been 1 time. 2 if you count this game, but unmake them memorable lol. Also I'm choosing to be unkillable Then kill Squire, he put a bomb on Malf via his own words
  7. I cant die. Cant be more clear here, I already have lost as well
  8. @Forge @wolfeyestrk Even all you all do is answer questions, please participate today
  9. @Heimdallr You sure you arent bombing, Fi was big on explosions
  10. Honestly I sont think you can bring him back Then vote Squire
  11. So did I, so he has a bus driver, invest, cant remember, kill, then kill. He could have lied and got the moves in a second round and wasnt out
  12. Josh could have used a watch/track on Matts but Matt's can only kill nontown, or people there to do him harm and then someone else bombed Josh
  13. Not sure, but he said if someone targets him or something they die (basically PGO) as well. So it kind of fits @squire12 explain your move, top to bottom and everything in between please Unlikley, also what was he doing at Malfs? Couple that with killing Swoosh and investing Mmil N2 for a redundant reason, along with when Touch started killing and Racks wanting to vote him but voting Matts instead last night, I think Michael may have been seriously recruited by the government
  14. @wolfeyestrk @Matts4313 Get in here and help please Please explain your character and what moves you all have
  15. Here are three posts showing Squire in relation to rags and his info. Like I said, it wasnt coincidence that he died when his info showed 2 people to be town. He also wants to blindly accpet it on Mookie, when though all of towns other invests had red herrings built in Squire avoids this questions and answers all others, why? Cause he knows I could have got role cop results with my invest and it's over for him Did you ever tell? You didnt do it in 1 night. As I said in the quote above, you can plant them over days and explode them at once or separately. At least that's what my info says. That's why the explosions didnt start until you wanted to off Rags and then we had multiple explosions Read above and below Me, Forge and Matts vote Squire while Squire, Wolf, and you vote Matts. If anyone deviates from this, we lynch them next Also I think this is key These are the bomb kills Rags- had info saying Squire was town but we never knew what it was. Like inhale been saying his results were wrong and someone wanted to show him as town to appear as town. First explosion death in the game was Josh N2. N1 Dome got shot, N2- PGO shot 2. N4 Rags bomb, N5 Counselor bomb. So why Counselor. Unless it was Malf and Red, why kill him. Matts was already invested by them and someone died, so why would they try him again. It had to be someone else. Then Bcb invested said person and died as a result. He isnt going to invest Matts, but he totally should have invested Squire. Then we come to last night, where Malf, Pwny, Slappybgo boom. At least we know Malf was Squire imo. Too much of a coincidence. Now add them up N2- Josh N4- Rags N5- Counselor N6- Malf, Pwny, Slappy 6 direct bomb kills and 6 days Squire is planting the bombs during the day and blowing them up at night. At his discretion at night, he cant die via target. Must be lynched Also remember where he tried to blame you for not protecting Rags, might be because he knew you couldnt stop the bomb cause he plants during the day Sorry for ths rambling, just woke up and this maybe way off in some parts lol
  16. @wolfeyestrk Who is your character and what is your move(s)?
  17. So Heimdallr- Fiona, if she is not town (minus a cult mechanic) thats messed up. I'd say 100% town Forge- unless he is aligned with Malf there is no way he is scum imo unless they have a commute Wolf- again, unless culted I've got to assume the move is town, character should be 100% town @wolfeyestrk what is your character? Matts- could be with Touch given their invest and results even through death, Slappys move isnt in the writeup, so thats suspicious, only person claiming unlikley Aligned. I still dont understand his move Squire- a character that is associated with bombs in the show, a character that shouldnt be Westen aligned, claimed to be placing a bomb on Malf before night, malf dies via bombing (coincidence?) with 3 other people We need a double or triple lynch tonight imo. If anyone deviates we have acum for sure At night, I cant die, Heimdallr cant die, Forge if town cant die, and wolf has to be town to start the game Double lynch Matts and Squire or triple lynch Matts, Squire, and Forge. Town wins
  18. @squire12 So your move is to plant Bombs and you can blow them up at once. You took Racks out with the bomb on Malf
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