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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. It has crossed my mind. Or something like X % of the game high or something
  2. Then he just outright Omitted. Also he can have that as part of his role but day invest is such BS for me lol He is grilling me on every detail and how I presented the info etc...yet he leaves that off when explaining his entire faction. Double standard hypocrite Touch is scum touch
  3. @Slappy Mc How much more do you need to see from this guy. I'm the one not lying and helping town
  4. This is 100% correct. He is a bad guy who uses his own self interest to help Westen get rid of Concha. This happened in a very miniscule amount, but it did occur. So he is scum, locale baddie, or unlikley ally. He is not Westen aligned
  5. 1. You didnt freely offer it up. It was outed 2. Maybe its cause I'm using the protection tonight, maybe it's because I dont want scum to know what I'm doing 3. Never lied
  6. If I suggest it again is touchy gonna yell at me His kills started, when the kidnappings ended
  7. I believe without question you are local baddie and have made the case
  8. Like you all backtracked from Counselor has no more move, only in a mason with Daboyle, on and on and on. This is straight hypocritical my friend I dont get to choose what info i get. Just how to use it. Dont be mad cause I fooled you on that one. Also, why are you know saying it's made up cause I already knew it. Why lie? I cant die in my current state. I'm not scared of scum. I'm probably going to lose regardless so I'm laying everything out
  9. This is false, a mischaracterization, a lie. Whatever you want to say. My info says he used a move. That's it. That's all I knew. I "bluffed" "faked" the rest of that part on him. This is simple logic. Like elementary school level. How are you missing this You are scum, period I cant die if I choose. So you are wrong. Im not scum
  10. I just know Counselor used a move. Doesnt say when or what. I bluffed to get you to claim he still had a move and had been using it. And look, you did
  11. You keep proving my point, thanks Day invests should be outlawed by the way, way to powerful
  12. That’d be because you’ve been lying and you’ve now proven that. You do realize what he’s talking about right lol
  13. What was the reaction when I claimed to have an extra info different from the amount of nights "oh no he is making this up and lying means it's all a lie" Been saying it since a long time ago lol
  14. So you’re a hypocrite and a liar? It’s ok for you to lie as you see fit, but yet Orca uses a fake claim, bluffs and omits some information and you want to condemn him for it?
  15. You have proven absolutely nothing, ever because I have not lied. I have shown VERIFIABLE PROOF of your lies and spin jobs.
  16. I have not spun nor lied about anything whatsoever. However, I have proven how you have lied and spun everything since d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6
  17. Nobody believes day invests, especially D1. I didnt want to get into my actual moves like until neccesary. And again if/when I decided to use the protection I was vulnerable. Started out trying to use it as a read, then didnt want to screw around on Mwil claimed it as night info, went back to read like on TLO, then back to info on Touch, Counselor, and Mookie. I kept hitting on the invests, so might as well claim the info at that point The above shows mybprogression nicely on D1
  18. If you were town why did Daboyle lie, Counselor lie, you lie You dont count to town period
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