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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Not really. Sanchez was an art thief and Pickle a conartist. Mwil a heroin dealer I think Heimdallr said
  2. Whatever scum color that is lol He is scum. First, we need to get ahead of the Lie At All Costs Faction Sketchy
  3. Again. Its hypocritical to do and say everything you have and then say I've done it so I'm scum...but it means you all are town. It's a freaking faction
  4. You should also color Counselor and Touch orange...they arent town and are scum
  5. Counselor is vanilla, counselor has no more info or moves, counselor is in a Mason with Daboyle, alignment cop info on a PGO wvwn though he Daboyle died lmao Yeah what is that about lies and spin
  6. Blood Diamond out of these imo I should have nominated Perfect Storm...oops lol
  7. Is what it is. I'm not surprised. I just hadnt gotten to him on my list yet Info I have says he is scum. Same info as Mwil I dont think it's as pressing an issue as the info on Touch and his faction though Love how you have day moves but it excludes others from having day moves or info via other manners in your mind. You think its night info cause you need to have something to discredit my 100% success rate lol I probably might have 10 bits of info, you dont know. Has my info been wrong? Is anyone this accurate ever lmao? Vote touch. I have info confirming him as nontown and his actions the first 4 days were largely anti town. His faction has lied repeatedly about moves, night info, number of people and on and on He is lock scum
  8. If points 2 and 3 are your thoughts I'm out for a bit. Not in the mood to be ignored when I'm handing you all names on a silver platter
  9. You just screwed town lmao I'm 4/4 on night info revealed 5/5 if you all just assume I'm right on Mookie cause I am. Info doesnt lie You ruined my perfect plan Either way you just proved my point. You are scum lmao
  10. So, you how and why would I be getting and giving you all my info? Bad logic is bad
  11. Ne 1 lie? It's all the truth in black and white for everyone to see
  12. You used a night move on someone I already claimed info on and was lynched being revealed as scum...that's horrible town play...so bad its clearly scum lol You also dont get alignment info on a PGO that killed you so lmao
  13. Of course you being scum would say that. But the truth is there in black and white. Just like I took down Mwil and TLO, I will take you down
  14. You just rode my coattails/info cause it didnt have anything to do with your faction and then killed Mwil when it could help you and you specifically When it did you actually started playing. Remember you went like 3 days going nothing and I called you on it lmao
  15. I wrote like 5 pages to support so again you are lying and spinning not I lmao
  16. No I'm not, maybe it's a role stipulation I gave you clues and anyone else who has played many games. I've said too much probably but I dont care anymore
  17. If you arrest him and he flips scum its cause you have to act town now cause you are outed...also, this is fake so i dont care
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