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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Get caught up, need your input the rest of the way
  2. I'm not government in any way..cant stress that enough
  3. I agree but it's a better option than Malf right now and it's a better option than you right now Personally, I'd rather go elsewhere all together, so let's focus there
  4. I think you two need to back off each other for tonight, I'd rather lynch Counselor then go between you two. Seems town vs town Though I will clarify I've never seen Sanchez actually play
  5. I'm really telling the truth. I'm playing for town
  6. You may, but I think you have drunk to much, so your results are always scewed one way
  7. Also, whoever took out old willy...bravo. I was getting tired of burrying his claims and spin
  8. Im not liking the mojitos, seems like the results are rotten
  9. Not gonna lie, first 3 days or so I'm pretty spot on with my reads. Night info, flips, extended conversations etc, after that point makes me falter in my opinion. I got you all this far, now it's time for you all to finish it. I will keep trying though
  10. @MWil23 Sorry buddy but that was easy again, at least I was alive this time when you went
  11. Malf is insinuating he watched Slappy N1, but saying he tracked him now?
  12. 100% right. I said Mwil was scum, but no one wanted to follow
  13. If Racks is telling the truth the numbers are clearly not working out here and mojito guy is wrong on a guy or 2 (Mookie/Squire). Based on thread play and posts, I would be firmly on Mookie and Squire as scum Maybe Rags just gets town as a result?
  14. I'm 100% confident in Touch. Was 50/50 on him and Racks Just to get that info out there
  15. Great pick of Zuniga @MD4L. If he stays healthy that's a steal
  16. Not that I know of, other than him asking D2 I believe about how to interpret violent past or something, then him claiming on Mookie and now Sanchez
  17. @Ragnarok You have been outed as an invest, can you explain it for us so we can add it to the info and determine if it could have some issues or if its reliable?
  18. I wont go further, but very similar but completely different
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