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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. You are NOT Michael. I am NOT Michael. We have established this
  2. Seems like the note thing is either random or coming from the host
  3. We already established you are NOT Michael. You thought I was Michael and the ghost when talking with Matts
  4. I disagree with the mindset, but at least you are playing, so play whatever way you want cause it's much more fun having you and seeing you actually participate I think claiming and character claiming are some key aspects of the game that favor town that hopefully is accounted for with the setup to keep it fun/difficult Hence the red herrings I think Swag has in this game For now, just based on the role you claim and Malf, I think our attention is best served elsewhere Racks
  5. @11sanchez11 Who are you? You have already claimed a move, the rest helps. I really think I have this figured out
  6. I can totally see this and the bolded part is what I was saying I had figured out that should have been obvious about your claim and move N2
  7. This is annoying me @Counselor What is your fake claim?
  8. I guess everyone is going to say I'm connected to you now as well
  9. What do you think of the Government Aligned and Counselor?
  10. Racks Sanchez Forge Mookie Touch Rags/Slappy We need to talk @rackcs @11sanchez11 @Forge @MookieMonstah @theuntouchable @Ragnarok @Slappy Mc
  11. @Malfatron @Heimdallr What do you all know from the experience?
  12. Probably close to 5 Unlikley ally is probably distinct. Sugar was probably the only unknown in that area
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