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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Antarctica trades: 6-1 7-1 PFA 32 New Orleans trades: 6-5 HaHa Clinton-Dix PFA 17
  2. Half the read was off but the result the same lol
  3. Swoosh's invest of Pwny came up not shady at least financially
  4. It's based on financials so Pwny could be the bad individual from Michael's first job
  5. @SwAg good luck with the vote count, I dont have time stamps lol
  6. It's like Bcbs supposed role, its a red herring role where town and scum could fit under it
  7. He is town Yes and no. I was actually thinking 2 people and that was 1. I know what Malf was thinking pretty for sure now and that was the other and fits with Malfs posts
  8. @squire12 On D1 when Mwil was going on about inactives i dont believe he ever tried or wanted to push TLO. Then after tagging TLO a bunch he asked for a recap and then never comes back on. Today and yesterday also Mwil would routinely vote him and then move off So part of it comes down to a connection to Mwil and the other is how he has played or not played
  9. Vote TLO, your vote dissapeared when Malf was kidnapped
  10. No, but you can also look it up and judge how trustworthy the poster giving you the info is etc
  11. I guess it's a possibility, but doesnt need to be the focus int he last 30 min. Counselor isnt claiming scum just to do so, he isnt claiming indy with no move just to do so. If he has a different move he isnt going to basically sacrifice himself and die at this point Most likley he is telling the truth
  12. Horrible logic. Did you read the opening post? You should listen to people with knowledge of the show
  13. Role cop maybe, alignment cop....NO Plus, their characters are not bad in the large scheme of things in the show. We have seen 1 role with a red herring aspect if Bcb is telling the truth and 1 move, my ninja invest. He is someone to pay attention to, but is not a threat at the moment. If he flips what he claims it's awful for town imo. We need to look for the killers and kindnappers, and potentially Management if they are part of this setup
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