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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I basically had a different hit/pitch for every one lol. Tried to guess how the opponent would play it lol
  2. Only if you use the randomizer, pooping out a baby goat version. That thing kills everything including the host
  3. The Hot Twosome is going to take this by storm or get ousted first game lol
  4. My goat broke Malf in game 1...I'm the champion
  5. You monster!!! I'm pooping out another one now
  6. <Joke Post> Overruled Mafia continues as is, no one retires and an off season has been voted down unanimously until real sports returns Everyone hug <Back to the game>
  7. I dont know what this game is, but crapping out a mini goat is awesome!!!!
  8. If we can get a big game, I can run Valkyrie Mafia next
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