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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Again lmao, did I say you dissapeared on the day? Large chunks? Ghosted to never return? No, I said dissapeared for a bit. You immediately jump in to spin the post in an attempt to get ahead of the narrative that may or may not arise You then attack me and Pickle personally instead of staying on point SCUM Same things Nacho did in the Criminal Minds Mafia
  2. Town shouldnt be trying to discredit posters, but talk about what's in the post. Mwil has done this multiple times on D1 here and it's so scummy I want to scream and cuss and stomp on everyone to vote him
  3. PLAYER LIST: 1. @Dome 2. @Forge 3. @Pickle Rick 4. @daboyle250 5. @ET80 6. @SwoleXmad 7. @MWil23 8. @squire12 9. @Malfatron 10. @JoshstraDaymus 11. @amac 12. @SwAg 13. @theuntouchable 14. @Matts4313 15. @Counselor 16. @The Orca 17. @biggio7 18. @FinneasGage 19. @kingseanjohn 20. @Whicker 21. @Ragnarok - Superman, JLA Aligned 22. @bcb1213 23. @DingoLadd Vote Mwil please. He is scum. Here was my original case if anyone needs a refresher Since that post he has spiralled down an insane amount of lies, contradictions, mispeaking, incoherent answers, and a large amount of dodging direct questions he knows if he answers will make him look even worse Today he wants me to stop tunneling on him and at the time I hadnt directly pushed him likei had previous days, if at all today. Just made fun of things he said. After he laid back and dissapeared for a bit he comes back on and it's more of the same, just with Pickle now
  4. Are you really saying "activity" with this post
  5. I hope people are seeing this Why ignore the questions? Explain the tunneling and the evolution of it, culminating with today in which you finally cracked and had to post about it
  6. Why? You have basically resorted to pop shots today, why so? Do you know who/what that reminds me of?
  7. This might be the best D1 ever lol. Do you know when night is?
  8. As long as you dont use Mwils contextual mindset I'll allow it
  9. You seem to be impatient given the timing of night
  10. Before you go hide again, why you name calling? Isnt that a big no no for you?
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