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2019 NCAA/Draft Prospect Thread


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38 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

I've seen that pop up, waiting to give it credence until one of the more plugged in guys on the beat has something similar.

Even if the report is similar, who's to say it's real

That said it fits with some of the reporting from college on him

Yeah, I have no idea how legit that report is, however it does smell just a bit like what happened with Guice. We'll see, I guess.

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3 hours ago, killdawabbit said:

How much do we buy into this info from an anonymous source reported on a blog on a site that is dedicated to fans making their own blogs to talk about sports? 

Like I followed the writer of this article when he wasn’t even writing and was just any other fan on twitter. Seems like a cool guy but he’s not a credentialed reporter to my knowledge. How many connections or sources do you buy him actually having?

If it does come out this was true then kudos to him for getting the scoop that all the big name NFL and Eagles media didn’t hear about.... but idk.

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42 minutes ago, nlesthought said:

Who would be opposed to moving out of the first for a 1st next year 2020 and a 3rd this year? 


Make it a 1st next year and a 2nd this year sure. But generally speaking that's poor value on the return of what you proposed.

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