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Boulder Dash

For this one, there is ZERO CONVERSATION AT ALL.  Cannot discuss in PM, Chatty, in thread, NOWHERE.  

There will be five players from each tribe playing in this challenge.  

Roles were determined in Chatty by random selection.

Ragnarok or ET will ROLL for Riggity Riggity.  (Ragnarok first, ET second pending the vote).
Malf will ROLL for Itty Bitty.  

Riggity Guarders - Everyone Else
Itty Guarders - Hockey, TyTy, BCB, Nazgul

At the top of a hill is a large boulder.  At the bottom of the hill are five slots into which the boulder can fit.  One player from each tribe has to push the boulder into an open slot.  The rest of the players from the tribe have to run in front of a slot in order to prevent the boulder from going in.  It’s obvious why no communication is allowed in this game.  If you are found to have communicated with  anyone on either tribe about this challenge, you will receive a punishment up to and including elimination from the game. 

The ROLLER will send me a list of 20 rounds they want to roll their boulder into.  
The GUARDERS will send me a list of 20 rounds they want to GUARD.  

The game will go for 20 rounds or until one tribe scores 5 points.  The other tribe will have a chance to tie if they are at 4 and the other tribe gets to 5.  If no tribe scores 5 points, the tribe with the most points at the end of the game is SAFE.  The losing tribe has to go to Tribal Council, where they will vote out one of their own.  

SLOT ONE - 20% chance to score.
SLOT TWO - 40% chance to score.
SLOT THREE - 60% chance to score.
SLOT FOUR - 80% chance to score.  
SLOT FIVE - 100% chance to score.

Say Malf rolled for slot one.  If nobody from Riggity guarded slot one for that round, Malf would have a 20% chance to score.  He would need a roll between 1 and 20.  If he rolled the boulder into slot two and nobody guarded slot two, he would have a 1-40 chance to score and so on.  If Malf rolled for any slot and the slot was guarded by somebody, he would have a 0% chance to score. 

@ET80, @Shady Slim, @Pickle Rick, @Ragnarok, @theuntouchable, @gopherwrestler,

@Malfatron, @Hockey5djh, @Tyty, @bcb1213, @Nazgul,

Think about the challenge, but DO NOT strategize with your tribe about it. 

This is the last challenge before you're on one island. 

Riggity Riggity still has to vote, just giving everyone a heads up on the challenge. 

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Just now, Ragnarok said:

So this challenge is on me?

I'll sumbit tonight when I'm not sober.

Well you have a role on this challenge, but everybody has their own role on this challenge. 


Just now, ET80 said:

Or me. I'll defer to you on this, because I have no clue what's going on. 

Riggity Riggity is voting out one of their own.  I posted the NEXT Immunity Challenge to give players a head start. 

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