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Slow Burn - Scene 2 is now - v0.1 - Trial Version


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@Malfatron stabbed his weapon through the mans bicep, the tip stuck into the wood floor. The man shrieked.


Steele removed the weapon from his foe and bashed him in the head with the stock, he fell to the floor lifeless.


One of the men begins to crawl away, two were pleading with him




One man rolled over, his arm was caught in the bear trap, he groaned.

9 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

<throw a handful of  gunpower onto the burning men (the ones that havent rolled away)>


None of the men are on fire.

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50 minutes ago, The Orca said:

The one closest to the door

There's a pile of men blocking the door. Role an athletics check if you would like to attempt to jump over them. It's your disadvantage, so roll twice and you'll take the lowest.

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On 7/26/2018 at 11:23 AM, Dome said:

Skills and Skill Bonus Calculation


Skill Types of Actions you would use this skill for Skill Roll Bonus
Strength Brute strength for pushing, lifting, etc x2 STR
Dexterity Agility, Reflexes, Balance, Flexibility X2 DEX
Intelligence Background Info, Lore, Trivia, Language x2 INT
Charisma Persuasion, Befriend, Bribe x2 CHR
Athletics Throwing, Tackling, Jumping, Climbing STR + DEX
Fighting Hand to Hand and Melee combat STR + INT
Survival Survive otherwise catostrophic mishaps STR + CHR
Marksmanship Ranged Combat DEX + INT
Stealth Pickpocket, sneaking, disguises DEX + CHR
Wisdom Clairvoyance, Clues and Leadership INT + CHR


On 7/26/2018 at 11:28 AM, Dome said:

I need @The Orca @Pickle Rick and @FinneasGage to send in their character information. 






STR Strength is a measure of your raw power.
DEX Dexterity means you're more agile. Your reflexes are better as well as your balance and fine motor skills.
INT Intelligence helps you in a variety of ways. It can give you background information or clues that wouldn't otherwise be available as well as improving some of your other skills like Fighting and Marksmanship
CHR Charisma improves the way you interact with other people. It can be used to influence both NPCs and PCs.
   Each stat starts at zero. You may add 1-3 points in each but no more than 8 points total.

Class (Occupation)

Class Rules - Advantage means you roll two dice and get the best outcome, Disadvantage means you roll two dice and get the worse outcome.
Warrior (Ex-Soldier) Advantage on Fighting Checks, Disadvantage on Stealth Checks
Archer (Apache Tracker) Advantage on Marksmanship Checks, Disadvantage on Strength Checks
Rogue (Drifter) Advantage on Stealth Checks, Disadvantage on Charisma Checks
Healer (Doctor) Advantage on Wisdom Checks Disadvantage on Fighting Checks
Mage (Banker) Advantage on Intelliegence Checks, Disadvantage on Athletics Checks

I edited the Class Rules. So please check them again! 

Your Skills will be calculated based on your Attributes, so you don’t need to worry about those. 
@FinneasGage @Malfatron @Pickle Rick @The Orca


Bucs will be joining for Scene 2. @FinneasGage will be at the bar in the meantime, but he will have an opportunity to meet up with his team later. 

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25 minutes ago, Dome said:

One of the men begins to crawl away, two were pleading with him



"Who hired you? and what are they paying you for? i need a name and a good description or you wont leave here alive!"


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4 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

"Who hired you? and what are they paying you for? i need a name and a good description or you wont leave here alive!"


*We wuz just told to come down here and show some support for our brothers on the railway! These boys working at Ironsides Railways are on strike, they’re winning too!!*

The man looked at you sheepishly. 

*We roughed a few Ironside officials up last week. So what? Nobody died.*

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11 minutes ago, Dome said:

*We wuz just told to come down here and show some support for our brothers on the railway! These boys working at Ironsides Railways are on strike, they’re winning too!!*

The man looked at you sheepishly. 

*We roughed a few Ironside officials up last week. So what? Nobody died.*

*ok, now beat it. and dont come back for a few weeks. we are running the show now. We will take care of that pinkerton detective for you too. We share the same goals.*


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9 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

*for your troubles....*

<gives the men a dollar>

*now leave us*

Four men scrambled to their feet and hurry down the stairs. One remained, dead.

The barkeep met them on the way up. He was carrying a bucket of water. 

*WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON UP HERE?! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?! ARE YOU TRYING TO BURN DOWN MY BAR?!* He sloshed some water on the wall and table. The fire went out.

*There a hole.... You burned a hole in my bar.* The barkeeper stared through the charred hole in Room 2 and into the alleyway. He turned around, fists clenched and teeth gnashing.*Get. Out. All of you.*


You may take care of any unfinished business in the bar, assuming the barkeep tolerates it. When you are ready, leave The Dusty Dome The Scorched Hole to end Scene 1.

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3 minutes ago, Dome said:

Four men scrambled to their feet and hurry down the stairs. One remained, dead.

The barkeep met them on the way up. He was carrying a bucket of water. 

*WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON UP HERE?! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?! ARE YOU TRYING TO BURN DOWN MY BAR?!* He sloshed some water on the wall and table. The fire went out.

*There a hole.... You burned a hole in my bar.* The barkeeper stared through the charred hole in Room 2 and into the alleyway. He turned around, fists clenched and teeth gnashing.*Get. Out. All of you.*

*no, barkeep. We saw a drifter come upstairs holding a lantern and we grew suspicious. in a drunken rage, this drifter was lighting the room on fire. my good friend koop escorted the drifter back downstairs, and we tried to deal with the fire. thats when we were attacked by the men in room 3. we barely escaped with our lives.*

<gives the barkeep 2 dollars.>

*As a show of good faith, this will pay for some of the damages*

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4 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

*no, barkeep. We saw a drifter come upstairs holding a lantern and we grew suspicious. in a drunken rage, this drifter was lighting the room on fire. my good friend koop escorted the drifter back downstairs, and we tried to deal with the fire. thats when we were attacked by the men in room 3. we barely escaped with our lives.*

<gives the barkeep 2 dollars.>

*As a show of good faith, this will pay for some of the damages*

He crams the money in his pocket. He doesn't believe your story. (Charisma check, difficult)

*Your tracker friend asked for the lantern and whiskey. Now GET. OUT.* He steamed *Before I get the Sheriff.*

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Steele Inventory:
Black Powder Rifle (Slow Reload, One Shot, Marksmanship Checks unlocked)
Bayonet (+1 Fighting Skill)
Gunpowder (Many uses)

Takara Inventory:
Derringer Pistol (Marksman skill unlocked, Quick reload, 2 shots)
Monocle (+3 to anyone one Charisma check)

Ahtahkahkoop Inventory:
Lever Action Rifle (Unlocks Marksmanship Checks, Quick reload, 3 shots)
Bear Trap (Multiple Uses)
Tomahawk (Roll Athletics Check for ranged attack, +1 added for Fighting Check)
50 cents



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