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Slow Burn - Scene 2 is now - v0.1 - Trial Version


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39 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

i wouldnt mind if you rolled for me when i needed to.

would eliminate an unneeded confirmation

im im doing something that requires a check, i shouldnt be able to back out of it once i know what the check is

I’d be fine with this too. I’ll think about this. 

@bucsfan333 @The Orca @Pickle Rick

If you post something that requires an action, do you want me to just roll for you and tell you the outcome or do you want me to tell you it will require a skill check first and then you can roll/confirm you want me to roll?

It would definitely speed the game up if I automatically rolled for you once you’ve made an action but I also don’t mind giving players a chance to change their mind before they commit to a skill check. 

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1 hour ago, Dome said:

I’d be fine with this too. I’ll think about this. 

@bucsfan333 @The Orca @Pickle Rick

If you post something that requires an action, do you want me to just roll for you and tell you the outcome or do you want me to tell you it will require a skill check first and then you can roll/confirm you want me to roll?

It would definitely speed the game up if I automatically rolled for you once you’ve made an action but I also don’t mind giving players a chance to change their mind before they commit to a skill check. 

I'm good with you rolling. I haven't got the hang of what needs a skill check but if I post a move I'm good following through regardless of the outcome. 

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@Pickle Rick comments:

Are we to know what requires a check or are we just supposed to tell you our move and then you determine whether it requires a check?

The choppy play could be solved by the players just waiting for the mod to resolve others actions first before starting theirs, might slow the game down a bit though.  Might get better in the next scene though as we get more accustomed to the game play.

Player activity is actually a huge component of this game type.  So it is kind of important to stay active, (not necessarily for the test game though). Maybe for larger games require players to make a certain number of moves or be mod killed/ left for dead.  Maybe 3-5 would work. 


1) You don’t need to know what requires rolls and what doesn’t, you can just keep posting what your character is doing in thread and I’ll make a roll for you if you need a roll for the action (I think this is the way I’m gonna go on this one, it’ll make the game faster).

2) Agreed. I think as everyone gets accustomed to playing and what to expect things should naturally get a little smoother

3) Agreed. I don’t know if modkilling is the answer, but I might put players into NPC/Follower mode if they’re inactive for 24 hours. Not sure what the parameters would be for that, probably they can do what their party asks them to but they can’t make any skill checks. What are people’s thoughts on that for dealing with inactivity?

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2 minutes ago, Dome said:

3) Agreed. I don’t know if modkilling is the answer, but I might put players into NPC/Follower mode if they’re inactive for 24 hours. Not sure what the parameters would be for that, probably they can do what their party asks them to but they can’t make any skill checks. What are people’s thoughts on that for dealing with inactivity?

yeah, either mod killing or write them out of the story. whatever suits you. then a new player could potentially enter the game.

it that players availability opened up, he could either show up or make a new character

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3 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

I like rolling. I was actually gonna ask if I could just use my own dice. Would be faster than using chatty. I wouldn't lie or fudge any numbers.

Yeah I’m fine with this too. You can probably anticipate what rolls to make, just make the rolls as you think you need to and the game will flow the same

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1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:

Had to make it 2001

I think @Dome just rolling for us for whatever we need to would make things go smoother and quicker 

This is what we’ll do. @Malfatron @bucsfan333 @The Orca @Pickle Rick

1) Post in thread what your character is doing.

2) Make your roll if you anticipate you’ll need to and post the results in thead. Or you may choose to ignore your roll and I’ll do it when I come to it. No preference for me.

3) When I am processing actions/moves and see that you’ve taken action that requires a roll but have not made one yet, I’ll do it for you.

this allows players to make their own rolls and wait for my write up OR for me to make the rolls and post the writeups at the same time. Both will keep the game moving more quickly than the current system

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@The Orca feedback

2. Best part of the game is the creativity on your end and the freedom we have to be creative and the ability to attempt just about anything we can think of

3. Are your answers kind of predetermined/directed or just made up as you go like ours?

4. Maybe having a post limit minimum of 5 a day would really help the speed etc...though with more people that may not be an issue

5. It is kind of hard to follow all the skills checks and when we will need it. So you rolling the dice would make things probably go quicker or possibly posts the skills checks every couple of pages

6. Do we have an objective...maybe I missed it but with the free flowing nature it may actually take us awhile to figure out what we are actually suppose to do lol


2) That makes it more fun for me too. 

3) Sometime I do, sometimes I don’t. I try to think of a handful of the most likely things you guys would try in a scenario and jot them down. Obviously if you do somehing or ask a question I hadn’t planned for then my answers are made up on the spot.  Some of the characters have backstories or quirks you’ll notice, some are just bland. Some of the settings will have details important to the story some settings will just be generic buildings/rooms with no important details. 

4) I don’t think I want a hard limit, I think I’ll just go on a case by case basis. If one player is holding up the whole group and they want to keep moving, I’ll step in and make a ruling. If it’s just a slow time and we have a few inactive players I’ll ride it out a bit longer. Not sure how many players I want to max a game like this out with. Even with 3 if you posting at the same time it can get hectic quickly.

5) I’ll make an image with the Skills you have and which actions correlate with those skills, then you can save the image or we can have it posted every couple pages like you said. Good idea. I was also gonna make images for player cards, so they take up less room and can be posted more often. 

6) It’s such an open ended game there are no objectives. You’re free to pursue or ignore whichever plot points you wish. You’ll run into NPCs that need things done or other quest lines, but it’s up to you to decide what you do with that.

Notes for 3&6: Essentially the way the game works is I’ve created a plot and the non-player characters needed to carry it out (and non-essential background characters for a little spice). Imagine these NPCs are going to live their life and carry out the story I have written, but before I kick things off I throw your characters into the middle of it and see what happens.

Generally the way these games work is the players feel out the story and weave themselves into it, but sometimes the players want to do something totally different and then the story I’ve built would change and adapt to whatever you all are doing in my little imaginary world.

Ex: Had malf walked in and bayonet’d Pinkerton in the back of the head rather than peek at his notebook, the story I’ve planned out would’ve changed completely and it would be back to the drawing board, which is absolutely fine. 

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I’m struggling a bit with tweaking the classes. I realize we don’t HAVE to change them to keep playing, but I know they need tweaking eventually.

@bucsfan333 @Malfatron @The Orca @Pickle Rick

What do you think about custom classes where you can pick 1 advantage roll and 2 disadvantage rolls? 


Otherwise, maybe some of you with gaming experience could give it a shot? 

I probably want to keep bonuses to advantage/disadvantage because of the simplicity and ease of other hosts tweaking it to fit their flavor.

Thinking anywhere from 5-7 classes seems good. More is fine though.


This is what I’m working with, but I don’t like it.

Occupation - Adv - Disadv 

Soldier    Fighting    Marksmanship 
Archer    Marksmanship     Fighting
Thief    Stealth    Charisma
Drifter    Charisma    Strength 
Doctor    Intelligence     Fighting 
Priest     Wisdom    Strength
Laborer    Strength    Dexterity
Dancer    Dexterity     Wisdom

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1 minute ago, bucsfan333 said:

I like to roll because it gives me a better idea of what I can/'t do next. That's all.

Also, when are we gonna post up this shop so I can figure out what supplies I'm gonna have?


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2 minutes ago, Dome said:

I’m struggling a bit with tweaking the classes. I realize we don’t HAVE to change them to keep playing, but I know they need tweaking eventually.

@bucsfan333 @Malfatron @The Orca @Pickle Rick

What do you think about custom classes where you can pick 1 advantage roll and 2 disadvantage rolls? 


Otherwise, maybe some of you with gaming experience could give it a shot? 

I probably want to keep bonuses to advantage/disadvantage because of the simplicity and ease of other hosts tweaking it to fit their flavor.

Thinking anywhere from 5-7 classes seems good. More is fine though.


This is what I’m working with, but I don’t like it.

Occupation - Adv - Disadv 

Soldier    Fighting    Marksmanship 
Archer    Marksmanship     Fighting
Thief    Stealth    Charisma
Drifter    Charisma    Strength 
Doctor    Intelligence     Fighting 
Priest     Wisdom    Strength
Laborer    Strength    Dexterity
Dancer    Dexterity     Wisdom

So basically we could be any character but pick our own bonus and 2 disadvsntages?

If so, I like that idea. Will the inventory we have stay defaulted to the main character we choose?

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