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Update: Urban Meyer suspended 3 games


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They literally can’t get their stories straight. 

To the point that they’re almost contradicting themselves in the matter of minutes during the press conference and almost constantly contradicting their prepared statement and findings.

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1 minute ago, IDOG_det said:

My goodness...


So he gets to do all the really important work and then have a nice Saturday afternoon off. Why even bother suspending him if this is what you come with?

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"they didn't do what they are contractually obligated to do, but we're giving them a pass because they did it in good faith because there was no law enforcement action even though school policy doesn't require law enforcement action to trigger a report"

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Just now, IDOG_det said:

"they didn't do what they are contractually obligated to do, but we're giving them a pass because they did it in good faith because there was no law enforcement action even though school policy doesn't require law enforcement action to trigger a report"

And they are claiming that Urban and Gene didn’t know the rules for reporting.

This is all insulting that they think people are dumb enough to believe this.

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5 minutes ago, WeaponX said:

In their statement, Ohio State is claiming Urban and Gene didn’t know they had to report it...

Zack Smith was reported all the way to the police--- the police were involved and the police response to this was "Dont just assume because you gave us the information that we will follow through with what should rightfully done"

The actual police said that.  Basically a 'whoops we screwed up after you reported it, our bad, but next time just make sure you really really push us to do something'

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3 minutes ago, mse326 said:

I responded to that, the "do more than the job description" in the two situations are not comparable in any way.

im not purely talking about work product though. meyer shouldnt have to be told what is right and wrong. as long as he makes hiring/firing decisions then this falls on him as much as anyone else. he knew the history, if we're to believe smith he didnt even relay that to his superiors. i wasnt required to tell them is not an acceptable answer for me.

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22 minutes ago, JammerHammer21 said:


So either A.) he's lying and he's a scumbag who took no appropriate action what so ever upon hearing an employee was beating up his wife or B.) she's a scumbag who didn't feel it necessary to divulge to her humbbie that one of his employees was beating up his wife. 




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3 minutes ago, IDOG_det said:

"they didn't do what they are contractually obligated to do, but we're giving them a pass because they did it in good faith because there was no law enforcement action even though school policy doesn't require law enforcement action to trigger a report"

Saving the highlighted quote for when OSU wants a replay and doesn't get one tbh.

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2 minutes ago, Texasmade said:

So either A.) he's lying and he's a scumbag who took no appropriate action what so ever upon hearing an employee was beating up his wife or B.) she's a scumbag who didn't feel it necessary to divulge to her humbbie that one of his employees was beating up his wife. 


C) They're both scumbags

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3 minutes ago, AkronsWitness said:

Zack Smith was reported all the way to the police--- the police were involved and the police response to this was "Dont just assume because you gave us the information that we will follow through with what should rightfully done"

The actual police said that.  Basically a 'whoops we screwed up after you reported it, our bad, but next time just make sure you really really push us to do something'

"Although Coach Meyer and Athletic Director Smith failed to adhere to the precise requirements of their contracts when they concluded that they needed to await a law enforcement determination to file charges before they reported the otherwise disputed claims of spousal abuse against Zach Smith, they did so based upon a good faith belief that they did not have sufficient information to trigger a reporting obligation or initiate a disciplinary action in the absence of law enforcement action. Other than their misunderstanding of the requirements triggering reporting obligations, neither Coach Meyer nor Athletic Director Smith violated any policy, rules, law, or contractual obligation in connection with the alleged domestic abuse claims against Zach Smith."


That's directly from their key findings. They are contradicting themselves with regards to reporting. So which is it? They "failed to adhere to the precise requirements of their contracts" or they didn't violate any policy, rules, law or contractual obligation?

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3 minutes ago, Texasmade said:

So either A.) he's lying and he's a scumbag who took no appropriate action what so ever upon hearing an employee was beating up his wife or B.) she's a scumbag who didn't feel it necessary to divulge to her humbbie that one of his employees was beating up his wife. 




Heres the thing--from what I read Courtney Smith (from her mouth) told 20+ people about what Zach was doing. Her own parents even including the police being called on multiple occasions because of it.

What Im struggling to understand is why (while he should get some blame) is why everybody in the media is making this out to be Urban Myers sole fault---when he of the 20+ people she told was a second hand account through his wife.

I get that he should have done more because....obviously. But what I dont understand is how dozens of people knew and somehow this falls squarely on Urbans shoulders.

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4 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

im not purely talking about work product though. meyer shouldnt have to be told what is right and wrong. as long as he makes hiring/firing decisions then this falls on him as much as anyone else. he knew the history, if we're to believe smith he didnt even relay that to his superiors. i wasnt required to tell them is not an acceptable answer for me.

Just to be clear if he is supposed to report and didn't then I'd have no issue firing him. And I don't buy the I didn't know I had to excuse.

With that said, I don't think there is a general duty to inform of a crime you know about even to law enforcement let alone your bosses. To the extent morality plays it only does so to me in informing law enforcement and only of some crimes (which I fully acknowledge DV is one of them). There is no moral requirement to tell your employer even if the same employer as the the person the allegation is against UNLESS the allegation is on company time or property, or is in some related to their position of employment. I also don't think a moral failing is generally a firable offense either. So I have to say I completely reject the notion that he should be fired for not telling OSU higher ups as long as the police knew (and probably even if they didn't) and he was not required to to tell those higher ups (which I know he was).

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