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Say hello to your new co-mod! It's none other than...


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Wait, I come bearing good news so check yourself.  That's right, we're adding another mod to help spark that great Ravens fanbase.  But before we get too far, we have to take a minute to thank @diamondbull424 for his years of service in the Ravens forum.  I know we are thankful for his work in the Ravens forum.

And now it's time to introduce your new co-mod, it's...


Every Ravens' fan knows him, he's your local Adam Schefter whose constantly reporting Ravens' news.  Give him a warm welcome, maybe even tackle him Ray Lewis-style.  We know with him and @drd23 at the helm, the Ravens forum is in great hands and believe that big things are in store in the Ravens forum.

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59 minutes ago, RavensTillIDie said:

This guy? He's the equivalent of Dean Pees when it comes to moderating, but I guess you could do worse. jk xD

Well I was thinking about giving him a chance, but the Dean Pees reference makes me want us to get rid of him immediately.

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