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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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My cat used to walk me to school, or down to a friend’s house, never bit me after she was a kitten, was hypoallergenic, would come to you on command, and was awesomely creative with her murders. My wife’s dog doesn’t listen, barks all of the time, doesn’t like small kids, digs in the trash (Which gets really fun with 2 teenage girls in the house), doesn’t present his kills and hide them under the bed, and the only time he listens is when he thinks he’s going in the car. I’ll take the murder machine any day.

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5 hours ago, MrDrew said:

My cat used to walk me to school, or down to a friend’s house, never bit me after she was a kitten, was hypoallergenic, would come to you on command, and was awesomely creative with her murders. My wife’s dog doesn’t listen, barks all of the time, doesn’t like small kids, digs in the trash (Which gets really fun with 2 teenage girls in the house), doesn’t present his kills and hide them under the bed, and the only time he listens is when he thinks he’s going in the car. I’ll take the murder machine any day.

It sounds like your parents were awesome at training animals and you are terrible at it. 

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8 hours ago, pwny said:

Humans domesticated dogs and created a subservient species.

Cats domesticated themselves in order to get what they want.

If you’re a garbage pet owner, a dog will still be a subservient animal because they were bred to be so. If you’re a garbage pet owner, a cat will “act out” to get its needs met.

Most people are garbage pet owners.

Plus, there's that whole issue of cats generally being incredibly selfish and dogs not being that way. I'm already incredibly selfish. I don't need to take care of a second me. xD

8 hours ago, MrDrew said:

My cat used to walk me to school, or down to a friend’s house, never bit me after she was a kitten, was hypoallergenic, would come to you on command, and was awesomely creative with her murders. My wife’s dog doesn’t listen, barks all of the time, doesn’t like small kids, digs in the trash (Which gets really fun with 2 teenage girls in the house), doesn’t present his kills and hide them under the bed, and the only time he listens is when he thinks he’s going in the car. I’ll take the murder machine any day.

Gotta agree with @Matts4313. You should have trained that abomination better. Then again, isn't it a Yorkie? I don't really count small dogs as dogs. They're a species all their own in my book, known as "yappies." ;)

For example, I dislike Chihuahuas more than I dislike cats.

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my dad used to have two staffys and a cat, and because the cat grew up with the staffys, essentially it was one of them

taught it to roll over, it fought for bones with them (and won a lot of the time too), was awesome to have around 

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33 minutes ago, D82 said:

I mean you can find plenty, like dozens if not hundred, of sources that directly contradict that article. Including the American Kennel Club.

So who am I supposed to believe?


Also the article talks about some dog breeds (mainly short hair) do in fact cause less allergy symptoms for their owners. 

Considering hypo simply means "less than normal" or "below average" I'd say they're kind of contradicting themselves.

No dog breeds are hypoallergenic, but some breeds, due to the characteristics of the breed, will cause less allergies. 

What? Someone smarter than me break this down lol.

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3 hours ago, Dome said:

I mean you can find plenty, like dozens if not hundred, of sources that directly contradict that article. Including the American Kennel Club.

So who am I supposed to believe?


Also the article talks about some dog breeds (mainly short hair) do in fact cause less allergy symptoms for their owners. 

Considering hypo simply means "less than normal" or "below average" I'd say they're kind of contradicting themselves.

No dog breeds are hypoallergenic, but some breeds, due to the characteristics of the breed, will cause less allergies. 

What? Someone smarter than me break this down lol.

I think the general public tends to believe that "hypo" means no allergies whatsoever. That isn't the case. Sure, some breeds are better for certain people with allergies due to their coat texture/length...but that doesn't mean the dog is not going to cause someone else to have an allergic reaction. 

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6 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

Doodles >>

Yeah I've met a few and they're really good dogs. Almost got one when I was a kid but my friend had flatcoat retriever pups and we got one of those for free instead. 

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