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48 minutes ago, Tyty said:

No idea what korma is but I want it

An Indian dish that is amazing. Usually has a bit of coconut or almond flavor to it. Right there with Tikka Masala.

Mods delete picture if too boner-prone.




I'd trade most of my relatives to Satan for a plate of well made Korma. I'd also do it for much less, but still....point stands.

Edited by Sugashane
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33 minutes ago, MrDrew said:

I’m allergic to onions and coconut. Indian food just seems like a dream.

This is definitely the most guilty I have ever felt on a forum. Sorry bud.


To easy my guilt I looked for a few recipes in case you want to try some out that have neither  lol



If something needs coconut milk you can substitute half and half or heavy cream. Even whole milk with a little butter could work.

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23 minutes ago, Sugashane said:

This is definitely the most guilty I have ever felt on a forum. Sorry bud.

You can’t feel too bad. I’m Mexican and Italian, so you talking about Indian food isn’t nearly as bad as my mom saying “You can’t taste them” every time I asked if there were onions in what she made. Also not as bad as when I asked an Indian guy I know what I could order with those allergies, and he said “A cheeseburger”. 

Appreciate the link. I’ll definitely look into it.

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14 minutes ago, MrDrew said:

isn’t nearly as bad as my mom saying “You can’t taste them” every time I asked if there were onions in what she made.

lol thanks mom

There's onions in just about everything.  How do you eat?

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24 minutes ago, theJ said:

lol thanks mom

There's onions in just about everything.  How do you eat?

I can do onion powder, and stuff with dehydrated onion. Stuff cooked around onions doesn’t really bother me either. I have to ask a lot of questions, read a lot of labels, and keep Benadryl around. I don’t get like people with peanut allergies, I just break out in hives. Coconut just makes my throat itch really bad. 

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15 hours ago, Sugashane said:

An Indian dish that is amazing. Usually has a bit of coconut or almond flavor to it. Right there with Tikka Masala.

Mods delete picture if too boner-prone.




I'd trade most of my relatives to Satan for a plate of well made Korma. I'd also do it for much less, but still....point stands.

That looks like cat puke.

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30 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

My new goal in life is to become rich enough that anytime a cashier hands me change that includes coins, I can just throw them right into her face without having to worry about financial repercussions. I hate coins. 

every single time i pay in cash i tell them to keep the coins and i'm below middle-class probably lol

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