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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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That is another gold medal, you hosers!!

Seriously though... USA mens curling winning 5 in a row, including beating Canada and then Sweden (both curling powerhouses) to win the gold is a historical victory. Definitely a highlight of these Olympics. And hitting that last shot in the 8th end for FIVE?? John Shuster is a true American champion. 


On a related note...


Mens curling team is 3/4 from Minnesota

3/4 of the womens curling team is from Minnesota

(and the Hamilton siblings curl just as much in MN as they do in Madison.. so basically 100% Minnesotan on both teams)

The gold medal women's hockey team is just loaded with Minnesotans

Jessie Diggins (gold in nordic) is from Minnesota

Lindsey Vonn was raised and learned to ski in Minnesota


Going even deeper, Duluth is home to both curling teams and Maddie Rooney (US Secretary of Defense). On a per capita basis, Duluth carried the entire country. 


You're welcome, America. 



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What's the point of having What Are You Thinking About threads go up to 1,000 pages if we don't have a full page dedicated to 666 posts?  Remember in Arnold Schwarzneggar's End of Times movie when they tried to make 666 into just being an upside down 999, which they turned into a sign that 1999 was the year that the Antichrist would be born even though 1999 isn't 999? 

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On a side note, last night I had a dream that I became a father. On the way home from the hospital we (just me and the new human, no idea where my wife was) encountered some car troubles so I pulled over. Not wanting to leave my baby in a car on the side of the road while I assessed the situation I pulled the carseat out and put it on the other side of the concrete divider, and went to work on the car issues (no idea what the car problem was). A little while later I get the issue fixed, get in my car and drive away. About 5 minutes later I realize I forgot the kid on the side of the road so I turn around in a panic and race back. When I get there I see that the baby is gone. Then I wake up.

This is why I'm not a dad. 

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