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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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2 hours ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Lord of House Tarly maybe. But he shouldnt be granted something like Warden randomly. Doubt half the Reach would want a Tarly in charge after most supported or were related to the Tyrells. Leyton Hightower should probably get that, in order to hold the reach together. His kid was married to Mace Tyrell.

I could see them banding behind Sam. He's seemingly the kind of guy you'd want leading a house in a time of peace.

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I just don't think we are going to get a nice and tidy ending where such and so is Warden of the South, this one the west, popular character A marries popular character B, etc....  I think we are going to get somewhat of an ambiguous ending.  The White Walkers will be neutralized for a good long while, that's about the only thing I feel confident that we get a real answer on.

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On 8/31/2017 at 0:00 PM, StLunatic88 said:

I originally thought this too, but Jamie has just left Cersei, that completely changes his stance in the story. (and likely in the eyes of Dany and Jon) so if Tyrion turns on Dany, it wont be for jamie any longer

Well, that's unless the completely unnecessarily complicate things and don't go full (first three-film arc) Pirates of the Caribbean on us, with Tyrion having already hatched a plan to betray Dany to help Jamie, and it to be revealed just in time to realize that Jamie has switched sides.

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2 hours ago, skywlker32 said:

The Hound and his visions I just don't see them doing that in the show at least. There is little time and not much point to explain their confrontation further. It's possible for the book, but still don't see it happening.

As far as Arya being the one to kill the Mountain, it would be such a troll job to not give the fans Clegane bowl, but I could see it if she kills him while saving a losing Hound.

Yeah, honestly at this point it wouldn't surprise me if we see the Hound die (re)killing the Mountain, possibly not too dissimilar to the Mountain "dying" killing the Red Viper.  Something to the degree of Sandor is dealt a mortal blow, but still manages the strength to decapitate Gregor.

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2 hours ago, THE DUKE said:

I just don't think we are going to get a nice and tidy ending where such and so is Warden of the South, this one the west, popular character A marries popular character B, etc....  I think we are going to get somewhat of an ambiguous ending.  The White Walkers will be neutralized for a good long while, that's about the only thing I feel confident that we get a real answer on.

Actually I think we will get a peachy ending for this series. I'm dreading it. But I have a feeling Weiss and that other guy is going to do it to get a big "horrayy" from the audience. 

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1 minute ago, Calvert28 said:

Actually I think we will get a peachy ending for this series. I'm dreading it. But I have a feeling Weiss and that other guy is going to do it to get a big "horrayy" from the audience. 

C'mon now.  You just know we're going to get a LOTR-ish, 4-5 different endings, one after the other after the other, where you just wish they'd have stopped after the first

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7 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

Ehhh, I dont know. Its war, his father and brother are generals in that war. Its going to happen. Not that he wouldnt be upset, but his father wanted to kill him, and his brother he didnt seem to have much of a relationship with. It was mostly his mother and sister that Sam was close to.

Plus if his butt buddy Jon is hooking up with Dany (and possibly/probably impregnates her) I dont think hes turning on such a flimsy thing in this story.

Family is a funny thing. You can still hate and loathe someone and yet still be protective of them. HELL someone who is abused by a parent can still adore them and come to their defense. I don't see that being unreasonable for Sam. 

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10 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Family is a funny thing. You can still hate and loathe someone and yet still be protective of them. HELL someone who is abused by a parent can still adore them and come to their defense. I don't see that being unreasonable for Sam. 

Jon, Gilly and the Nights Watch are Sams family. He has always been about what is best for the realm (without using those words) and with Dany giving his dad and brother the option to kneel (multiple times) and they chose death. 

This isnt a Red Viper holding a grudge against The Mountain/Lannisters. You're over thinking this. 

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2 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

Jon, Gilly and the Nights Watch are Sams family. He has always been about what is best for the realm (without using those words) and with Dany giving his dad and brother the option to kneel (multiple times) and they chose death. 

This isnt a Red Viper holding a grudge against The Mountain/Lannisters. You're over thinking this. 

The same Nights Watch who stabbed his Bro?

I'm just saying don't be surprised if some sh!t goes down with one of the majors because they don't trust Dany not blowing her top.

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On 8/31/2017 at 11:51 PM, PARROTHEAD said:

Hound also let Arya think he killed that man and daughter they had dinner with too. Saying about how they wouldnt of survived the winter anyway. After Brienne punched him down a mountain, he was in severe pain, thinking he was going to be that way for awhile and wanted it to end. So yea he said he did it. With Beric, he doesnt really admit it was him exactly, and the Lord of Light found him innocent as it showed.

Ah-Ha! Back on my theory with quoting myself. Watching season 1 episode 10. When Sansa is forced to look at Neds head on the pike. She sees Joffery is standing way in the air on a plank. She walks out to push him off. Hound stops her, knowing it would result in death for her too. Spins her around at the last moment, "here, girl" and wipes blood off her lip. Covering for her, and saving her. With a concerned look.

He did not kill the butchers boy. One of the guards with him did. Hes as innocent as the lord of light said he was. And tries to help those being bullied, cause nobody was there to help him.

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10 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

Or, you know, he's just a changed man.

Yea, near death experience can do that to a man.

I don't see why it's so unbelievable for Sandor to kill a kid. I mean he followed every order without question until Blackwater. I think if Martin wanted to give him a redeeming quality he would have at least hinted at it or showed him with a bit of remorse. But he didn't, he was all business.

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14 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

The same Nights Watch who stabbed his Bro?

I'm just saying don't be surprised if some sh!t goes down with one of the majors because they don't trust Dany not blowing her top.

No, not the same nights watch. Those watchmen are dead. And everyone left follows Jon and knows he rose from the dead. Which by the way, Sam has no knowledge of, he was already gone for Old Town. 

You are equating two things that have no connection. Sure people will be worried about a 'Mad Queen' scenario. They have been for 3 seasons now. But that has almost nothing to do with Sam and his father/brother. 

Actually, it's a pretty easy argument that Danny giving the Tarleys the option to bend the knee is character growth from Esos

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2 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

No, not the same nights watch. Those watchmen are dead. And everyone left follows Jon and knows he rose from the dead. Which by the way, Sam has no knowledge of, he was already gone for Old Town. 

You are equating two things that have no connection. Sure people will be worried about a 'Mad Queen' scenario. They have been for 3 seasons now. But that has almost nothing to do with Sam and his father/brother. 

Actually, it's a pretty easy argument that Danny giving the Tarleys the option to bend the knee is character growth from Esos

If that were the case then it to Sam would be the same Nights Watch that gave him and Jon so much trouble. So not getting where this thing comes from that Sam feels a close connection to them.

And no connection? Are you seriously reading what youre typing right now? I don't care how bad his childhood was. That was a lifetime of memories before he came to the wall. Again you think that just because his father bullied that Sam automatically hates him. That is not always the case. Even if he did, all that can change in a blink of an eye when he finds out that he's dead, burnt alive like the Mad King did to his victims. 

Do you not understand psychology at all? Abused victims of a family member all the time still feel a kinship towards one another. It really takes a special type of sociopath to not feel anything. Even Randal was that way, which was clear by that last scene with Dikkon that he feels. And even if he was not Sam has never shown a hateful or resentful or even bitter bone in his body.

And lets say for sh!ts and giggles that your right, and Sam feels nothing about it when he hears the news which would be piss poor writing IMO. What happens with no real Lord or order for that matter in the Reach now, that his mother and sister are robbed and raped by their servants or outlaws because they have no fear of repercussions. And Sam blames Dany because she took away their protection. Burning all her enemies? You don't think that is a possible scenario?

Last thing, giving them the option to bend the knee is not character growth. She has been doing that since book 1.

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