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Captain Marvel (Spoilers! Be Aware)


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4 hours ago, THE DUKE said:

Was thinking about that, and while not a great fit, would have been better had they flipped it and put Just a Girl when she's on the Motorcycle looking for the bar, and used I'm Only Happy When it Rains for the fight scene.  Wouldn't have been a great fit, but it wouldn't have been nearly as jarring.

That would work. Really though if they just did a better job in editing it probably would have been a good moment and not forced.

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One thing I don't quite get.  From how the movie portrayed it, it seemed like she got her power from the Tesseract engine.  I get that giving her powers, but how did that make her Kree (blue blood and all)?  I guess you could just say the Tesseract transferred the "Kree Power" from the now dead Mar-Vell to Danvers, but it still doesn't really say why.  Unless Mar-Vell was only dying and her knowledge of the Tesseract (did she know it was an infinity stone?) let her "bestow" her power to Danvers.

Anybody got a better explanation than that?  Because this logic seems a bit flimsy to me.

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24 minutes ago, THE DUKE said:

One thing I don't quite get.  From how the movie portrayed it, it seemed like she got her power from the Tesseract engine.  I get that giving her powers, but how did that make her Kree (blue blood and all)?  I guess you could just say the Tesseract transferred the "Kree Power" from the now dead Mar-Vell to Danvers, but it still doesn't really say why.  Unless Mar-Vell was only dying and her knowledge of the Tesseract (did she know it was an infinity stone?) let her "bestow" her power to Danvers.

Anybody got a better explanation than that?  Because this logic seems a bit flimsy to me.

She got the blood from a transfusion, when Yon-Rogg gets to earth and is questioning the skrull that had taken her form he mentions when she was taken to Hala near death she received a transfusion of Kree blood and asked the Skrull who's blood it was to confirm it was really Danvers and the Skrull didn't know it was Yon-Rogg's blood that was used.

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This was set in the ‘90s. She was raised in the ‘70s and ‘80s. People really think she wasn’t told her whole life she didn’t belong for doing male stuff? You kidding? Yeah, it’s 100% believable her dad would have come down harder on her for wrecking a go-kart. He wasn’t a villain, just a pretty accurate representation of a lot of people’s experience. It wasn’t preachy in any of that regard; it’s pretty historically accurate.

And for anyone saying the guy telling her, in the ‘90s, that she should smile isn’t a believable or realistic encounter, my wife got that critique in an interview less than a month ago.

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Enjoyable movie. Not the greatest, but definitely fun. I loved the soundtrack, but that’s becaise I grew up with all of it.

I don’t see the complaint that the empowering stuff was distracting or got in the way. Seemed pretty suited to the story. Larson was solid. Jackson was good. Goose was fun. The relationship with the friend didn’t always play as well as it could have. I liked the tie-ins peppered throughout.

All in all, like a lot of people, I think it was a fun, good movie. Definitely worth seeing once in the theaters.

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Damn. People have a lot of opinions here. Why not just enjoy the movie?
For the most part, I agree with what @beekay414 has been laying down.
As someone who wasn't too familiar with Captain Marvel before her movie was announced, I thought the movie did a good job of showing who she is [that includes her origin story, how powerful she is (as beekay414 said, she was learning her powers throughout the movie - though unharnessed, she is clearly immensely powerful) and how she could be helpful in the fight against Thanos] And as mentioned before - it's nice to get some fresh blood in the game.

And I also second @Deadpulse recommendation of Short Term 12 if people are looking for more Brie Larson. Very good movie.

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2 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

Well you cant hide your stripes then with this post. You're Male, so what have you done to oppress the opposite gender.

So because he's male, which your assuming btw, your saying he's automatically oppressed woman?

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13 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Sweet Jesus I forgot. Another crime "assuming".


In case you havent been watching these movies that is the common speech that men in general do that. 

Hell he even went out of his way to point out an example of it happening to his wife. 

Not to mention the only men you dont see doing that in these movies are exceptional ones. Superheroes or a select few men who are trying to save the world. 

I'm just bringing it to his attention that this same studio who is preaching this crap "assumes" it of him, and you too. 

You missed the point.

Your assuming he's a male over the internet because he said her dad was a villain (based on what you bolded in his quote). Idc if you assume your talking to a man or a woman in face to face conversation...that's what your supposed to do.

Anyways back to my original question, assuming fretgod is a male, how does that automatically mean he has oppressed woman (if you weren't joking of course)?

Edit: I didn't notice he said he had a wife in one of his previous posts so disregard the second sentence.

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2 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

You missed the point.

Your assuming he's a male over the internet because he said her dad was a villain (based on what you bolded in his quote). Idc if you assume your talking to a man or a woman in face to face conversation...that's what your supposed to do.

No. I assumed because he said "my wife". 

2 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

Anyways back to my original question, assuming fretgod is a male, how does that automatically mean he has oppressed woman (if you weren't joking of course)?

Sarcastic really. 

My point is in the post above. 

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3 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

No. I assumed because he said "my wife".


10 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

Edit: I didn't notice he said he had a wife in one of his previous posts so disregard the second sentence.

Even still, in this day and age of illogic, theybies, and non-binary's, it's becoming harder to assume over the internet that someone is a male because they said they have a wife. I would have assumed the same though.

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Im going to just ignore the last few post, and i hope most of you do as well so we dont get this thread locked

19 hours ago, THE DUKE said:

Anybody got a better explanation than that?  Because this logic seems a bit flimsy to me.

As a few already said, Yon Rogg gave her the transfusion of blood to save her, but I also believe the memories of her bleeding the blue blood were implanted in her mind to think she already was Cree when she and Mar Vel were "Attacked by the Skrull"


I still need to go see it again without an opening night crowd, but thinking through it, there was just too much Marvel needed this movie to do. And that may be why some of the friendship stuff felt off, just didnt get enough time. I feel like this movie would have benefited if it came out like 2/3 years ago. Probably between Doctor Strange and Guardians Vol. 2, there would have been much lees weight from the entire MCU on it.

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