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Captain Marvel (Spoilers! Be Aware)


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20 minutes ago, Fresh Prince said:

So fury's line in avengers about them making weapons after thor appearing, because it showed we weren't alone in the universe doesn't make any sense after this movie.

On the surface, sure does. However, the nice thing about Fury being at the head of the most secretive organization on the planet is that you can rationalize things like this away pretty easily.

First and foremost, he was already lying about the existence of the weapons, its not a far leap he wouldnt lie to hide how long they had been making them. 

Thor was a convenient explanation. Fury is trying to convince them that this was the right move. Why go on about something at happened 20 years ago that would probably be hard to believe for people like Tony who thinks he knows everything when you have a RECENT example that they are all aware of and is standing right in front of them. His argument is stronger this way and he gets to keep Carol in his back pocket. 

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17 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

Yea he kinda was. "She doesnt get along with her parents." Made light of how bad it was between her and him. 

Well you cant hide your stripes then with this post. You're Male, so what have you done to oppress the opposite gender. 

He wasn’t a villain any way you shake it. He was an example of people using her gender to keep her from excelling in her past, absolutely. That doesn’t make him a villain; it gives them a tumultuous relationship. It’s also not uncommon for the time period.

Do you ever get exhausted being this triggered about pretty minor things? Like, yeah this movie touches on female empowerment. But, it’s hardly this man-bashing, down-with-the-patriarchy, overt feminism you’re pretending it is. It’s about a woman overcoming some very historically accurate biases to succeed. Why is that such a threat to you?

Also, me having a wife doesn’t mean I’m male.

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I’m not sure how to take the complaint that she wasn’t shown to bepowerful enough, coupled with the fear many of the same people have that she’s going to wipe the floor with Thanos. You can’t have it both ways. Either you want her to be supremely powerful or not.

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10 hours ago, fretgod99 said:

He wasn’t a villain any way you shake it. He was an example of people using her gender to keep her from excelling in her past, absolutely. That doesn’t make him a villain; it gives them a tumultuous relationship. It’s also not uncommon for the time period.

I certainly believed he wasn't the villain but with how they portrayed him just like every other male trying to keep her down he was. To me he was Just a concerned dad, but with mainstream now it's either you agree with my opinion, let me do what I want and how I want or you're a bigot, sexist, racist, or w/e. Considering recent movies which people on that side have labeled "toxic" fanhood when they didn't like a crappy movie are labeled as racist bigots. Or certain actresses smaking the statements now that if you're not a feminist then you are infact sexist. Especially when you are supposed to believe that these label's and the people who wear them are everything that's wrong with the world according to these people, that would infact make them evil if you believed that. That's how it is now with Hollywood in case you missed the ridiculous things that have come out of their mouth's. You either agree with me, or you're just a bad person. That's how these people think now man, and their opinion's bleed into their movies and writings. How is that not clear to you? This is Hollywood now.

I mean if you're writing a story, and I'm talking about you yourself here. How do you not put your own opinions into a story. Especially one about right and wrong, I mean you do have your own ideas about that, and what it should be. That's what writers do and that's what has been happening. Go ahead tell me i'm wrong and people don't put their own opinions into a story, their own influence, their own style on it.

10 hours ago, fretgod99 said:


Also, me having a wife doesn’t mean I’m male.

Well hey, maybe it's the fact you label yourself Fretgod99 and not Fretgoddess99 just threw me or the combination of other posts. If me labeling you as a man is offensive, sorry you feel that way but I suppose we all have our cross to bear. Perhaps it's the wrong "assumption", but it could always be worse. Some people have to go through life being told they can't ride Go-karts and that's just wrong on any level for a person to do that. Bigotry, that's what it is.

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On 3/13/2019 at 10:16 AM, Fresh Prince said:

So fury's line in avengers about them making weapons after thor appearing, because it showed we weren't alone in the universe doesn't make any sense after this movie.

Wow I didn't think about this but it makes a ton of sense.

I thought in one of the movies or one of the interviews that it was because of either Thor or the Hulk is the reason the Initiative was created in the first place for this Marvel Universe. That's why you saw Stark go to Ross at the end of The Incredible Hulk. Because originally they were trying to recuit Abomination then Feige or w/e changed their mind and decided to use that scene as something else. But most of what we've seen so far in the Marvel Universe and The Avengers is the result of those two. Not Carol Danvers. She creates more questions not answering old ones.

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5 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

I certainly believed he wasn't the villain but with how they portrayed him just like every other male trying to keep her down he was. To me he was Just a concerned dad, but with mainstream now it's either you agree with my opinion, let me do what I want and how I want or you're a bigot, sexist, racist, or w/e. Considering recent movies which people on that side have labeled "toxic" fanhood when they didn't like a crappy movie are labeled as racist bigots. Or certain actresses smaking the statements now that if you're not a feminist then you are infact sexist. Especially when you are supposed to believe that these label's and the people who wear them are everything that's wrong with the world according to these people, that would infact make them evil if you believed that. That's how it is now with Hollywood in case you missed the ridiculous things that have come out of their mouth's. You either agree with me, or you're just a bad person. That's how these people think now man, and their opinion's bleed into their movies and writings. How is that not clear to you? This is Hollywood now.

I mean if you're writing a story, and I'm talking about you yourself here. How do you not put your own opinions into a story. Especially one about right and wrong, I mean you do have your own ideas about that, and what it should be. That's what writers do and that's what has been happening. Go ahead tell me i'm wrong and people don't put their own opinions into a story, their own influence, their own style on it.

Well hey, maybe it's the fact you label yourself Fretgod99 and not Fretgoddess99 just threw me or the combination of other posts. If me labeling you as a man is offensive, sorry you feel that way but I suppose we all have our cross to bear. Perhaps it's the wrong "assumption", but it could always be worse. Some people have to go through life being told they can't ride Go-karts and that's just wrong on any level for a person to do that. Bigotry, that's what it is.

Lulz. So touchy. Somebody needs a safe space, stat.

People put their perspectives into a story, sure. Writing a story about empowering a woman and including historically common examples of how women have been excluded isn’t some anti-male screed. “Just like every other male” tried to keep her down? Did you bother to watch the movie or did you have your rants all ready to press send? It’s mind-boggling how you can go on a rage about people’s biases when the impetus for it in this instance is so laughably bland. If this is what you think feminist agenda-laden movies look like, I don’t know what to tell you. This is about as bland and mass-appeal as you can get in that regard it’s a nod to it at best. It’s almost like you had a slew of pre-conceived  notions going into watching this and weren’t willing to see the movie for what it actually is, because that wouldn’t fit your narrative. Crazy.

Never said I was offended by you assuming I’m male. Never even implied it. Somebody else jumped in for whatever reason. I just noted that me having a wife doesn’t mean I’m a guy. Not sure why you think I gaf.

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3 minutes ago, fretgod99 said:

Lulz. So touchy. Somebody needs a safe space, stat.

I just recognize propaganda when I see it and people trying o get their "message" across.

3 minutes ago, fretgod99 said:

People put their perspectives into a story, sure. Writing a story about empowering a woman and including historically common examples of how women have been excluded isn’t some anti-male screed. “Just like every other male” tried to keep her down? Did you bother to watch the movie or did you have your rants all ready to press send? It’s mind-boggling how you can go on a rage about people’s biases when the impetus for it in this instance is so laughably bland. If this is what you think feminist agenda-laden movies look like, I don’t know what to tell you. This is about as bland and mass-appeal as you can get in that regard it’s a nod to it at best. It’s almost like you had a slew of pre-conceived  notions going into watching this and weren’t willing to see the movie for what it actually is, because that wouldn’t fit your narrative. Crazy.

Are you really that easy to manipulate? That these movies are only for entertainment and nothing else? Not anti-anything like seriously? There are messages in many movies, not all of them have to be Fahrenheit 9/11 to be preachy. The original Star Wars had a deeper message to it well touched on time and time again because no studio wanted to deal with Lucas's vision of a soap opera in space with strong "anti-war" messages in it. The entire story was inspired by the Vietnam conflict and went through to show how wrong it was in Lucas mind to go into that war.

You don't preach empowerment unless there is oppression and with oppression there is always someone trying to keep someone else down. Technically a villain, and they just happened to show those pop-ups time and time again in flash backs. So yea every male in that movie that wasn't some super-hero or SHIELD agent hero was treating her as "less than". I mean if what you say is true and they are just giving examples of people trying to hold her back. Then why was it only men they showed? "White men" to be exact, I mean are there no a-hole females who gave her a hard time or are there no positive male influences in her life growing up? They were just all trying to keep her down? No good memories there with her brother and dad, just those memories of them telling her to learn her place? 

I've grown up around a few individuals who have tried to keep me down with very few decent memories I have about them and I certainly have no problem labeling them villains or evil POS's I've had to deal with over the years. On the flip side there are others who have been hard on me but I have many fond memories of them that outweigh the bad. I keep in touch with those people, not the horrible people I've dealt with. That's very telling what kind of people her family is when she wouldn't even keep in contact with them. I mean I don't even remember a scene in that movie where her roomate says "WOW YOU'RE ALIVE WE HAVE TO TELL YOUR FAMILY."  Oh no the little girl lets us no she won't even speak to them. Infact they don't even care if she was alive or dead it seems.  They were barely a footnote and the only note the director meant to show is how bad they were to her and you say that doesn't make them villains? The only male influences in her life and they only tried to keep her down. But oh yea, they were only examples and not meant to be preachy. Gee I wonder why they didn't show the mom? Care to explain?

3 minutes ago, fretgod99 said:

Never said I was offended by you assuming I’m male. Never even implied it. Somebody else jumped in for whatever reason. I just noted that me having a wife doesn’t mean I’m a guy. Not sure why you think I gaf.

And yet you felt the need to comment on it.

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36 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

I just recognize propaganda when I see it and people trying o get their "message" across.

My god there is maybe four minutes of "girl power" in this 2 hour movie. Can we please stop with this?

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1 minute ago, Deadpulse said:

My god there is maybe four minutes of "girl power" in this 2 hour movie. Can we please stop with this?

That's fine. Never once complained about the "Girl Power" Hell there was that in Wonder Woman, didn't complain there either about "Girl Power". Jesus Christ that's not my problem, demonizing a group and/or an entire group does not promote progress which is the supposed goal. Promoting one group and demonizing another does nothing but create more tension and more problems through toxic tribalism.

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Except nobody demonized anything or anybody. You’re reading way too much into it. It’s ok to be sensitive; just admit it.

Me mentioning having a wife doesn’t make me male doesn’t mean I’m offended. I’m just correcting a misconception. Again, don’t be so sensitive.

Maybe her parents are dead? Who knows. It’s a two hour movie and you’re dwelling on a five second flashback. There were far more important things to deal with. If you want to flesh all of that out, including every positive male influence in her life, the movie would be nine hours long. Then you’d complain because they made a nine-hour movie about a woman while the men only get two hour movies.

And only super-heroes and SHIELD agents didn’t treat her as less than? Ok. How many other people were there that she interacted with who don’t fall into that mold? The security guard didn’t treat her as less than. Neither did anybody else, other than a very specific number of people. And neither did the Kree (not because she was a woman, anyway, their issues were entirely different). So really, it seems like only a limited number of people treated her that way in a limited number of very specific settings. Huh. It’s almost like this movie doesn’t fit your preconceived narrative at all. Crazy.

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Man, the fringe Larson trolls have been making the rounds with their batshyte crazy conspiracy theories. They actually believe Disney is BUYING TICKETS to Captain Marvel and inflating its box office numbers and costing themselves millions of dollars in the process (because remember: theaters only get back roughly half the returns from ticket sales), el oh el.

Armin from CBC completely disspells this loonie bin flat-Earther, Holocaust-denier, Bigfoot-believer level insanity in this great video (I love the thumbnail BTW): 

They're just desperately grasping for straws at this point when CM proved to NOT be a flop. xD

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not trying to say that video is wrong or anything @KManX89, but how exactly does he dispel anything? Literally he just explains the theory and says wowo imagine being so dumb you'd believe that!? I mean, I agree, the idea that Disney is artificially inflating numbers both serves no purpose for them, isnt something that theater companies would sign on for, and is rationally impossible to keep under wraps; still that video doesnt explain why at all lol

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