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Captain Marvel (Spoilers! Be Aware)


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Saw this yesterday. I enjoyed it, it was a solid origin movie.

Didnt feel like it shoved any sort of message, aside from a few specific lines (cockpit "joke"), I thought the character could be portrayed by a male and it would have a similar message, about being human and picking yourself up after failures, etc.

Action scenes were pretty good, I enjoyed the Fury teamup moments and banter. She def had a lot of power at the end and showcased it.

As others have said, I thought the one moment that should have had a bigger emotional reaction was when she met her old friend and her daughter. It was just so flat with that friend's acting.

The other part I didnt understand was the cat scratch... seemed like they forced it in for the sake of showing why he lost his eye in future movies.

She's def powerful, but I'm sure the writers will come up with something that doesn't just have her whoop Thanos and be done with it.

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2 hours ago, thrILL! said:

I think they overestimated themselves as usual since the Kree have always been the most arrogant species in the Marvel universe.  Carol was brainwashed to forego her own desires and completely submit to the Kree empire for 6 years or however long it was.  I’m guessing that’s why she went so long without trying to counter their measures to restrict her power.  Plus, Yonn-Rogg was always there to help keep her in check.  

Kree hubris, underestimating Danvers’ power, and constant psychological abuse and training for six years. Makes sense to me, honestly. They believed they’d subdued here, and by and large they had, up until she started regaining memories of her previous life.

So really, their plan worked until ish went sideways, which is when the “So ... she’s a lot more powerful than we thought. Ffffuuuuuuu-“ kicks in. The best laid plans of mice and men and all that.

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On 3/18/2019 at 10:11 AM, KManX89 said:

Anti-Larson trolls actually spun this as it needing $750m to break even,

This part actually isn't far-fetched.  To break even, yes, it's far-fetched.  750 million is probably the "success" line.  Budget plus half of the budget on advertising = 262 million.  Means the break even point for domestic box office was 260 million.  It's already eclipsed that.  Overseas sales you make a maximum of 50 cents on the dollar, and it's probably closer to 40% since China nets about 25% of box office sales.  This means that, so far, Captain Marvel has made Disney 213 million.  Lots of expenses aren't mentioned, so it made them about 175 million in profit.  It was made for 175 million, so they've already doubled their investment, and movies aren't even made for theatrical runs.  They're made for ancillary markets.  Toys/blu rays etc. 

175 million before the real money comes in and Captain Marvel is a definite success for them. 

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Eh...painfully average. Didn't separate itself from the current long line up of over beaten Marvel origins/solo movies, especially given the significance of her character. I mean, when was the last good one. Civil War? The movie definitely could have benefit from having been released earlier. Maybe right after Infinity War last year. I don't know. I don't care enough to speculate. I also didn't like the fact they tried to build up her story and character through flashbacks, rather than actually let it develop in an orderly timeline throughout the movie. Would have been so much better for her character wise. The best friend added nothing. The reunion was painfully dull, and she happens to be some pro pilot to a Mach level war/cargo plane battling against Alien entities who fly battleships for a living? I call bull on that. 

As mentioned by others on here, I'm also trying to make sense of her "powers." Is she basically a human laser beam? How is she defying gravity and being able to fly through space without her eyes popping out or freezing to death? Seems like the make up of her powers are just random gibberish being put together just to be cool and nonsensically overpowering. The build up to her achieving binary mode was unconvincing.  There was no climax there. There was no logical concept behind those ships tentacles enabling her to communicate with Mar-vell. Seemed like a pathetic attempt to connect Danvers ---> Mar-vell ---> Confidence/Soul Searching --> Super Powers.

Best part of the movie was literally just the first post-credit scene. Larson is great and brings a lot of emotion, but this was nothing special.

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Saw it last night and liked it but didn't think it was great. I think @THE DUKE covered my thoughts perfectly. I loved the Stan Lee cameo, love Mallrats. And justice for Ben Mendelsohn, he finally got to be a good guy! 

I forgot Celebrity Skin was a song and now it's stuck in my head. 


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12 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

I forgot Celebrity Skin was a song and now it's stuck in my head. 

The soundtrack is only rivaled by the GotG movies - all of the 90s music was from my childhood, so it resonates with me. 

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Finally got around to seeing it. Wasn't overly hyped for this one (I do not care whatsoever about the character in any of it's iterations in the comics), but had to see it in theaters because of Endgame. Anyway, may as well through my opinions in with everyone else's....


  • I really did enjoy the charisma between Larson and Jackson. Brie Larson overall was eh, to me, but I thought the banter and back and forth between Captain Marvel and Nick Fury was when she was at her best.
  • I loved the Skrulls. I liked that they went a kind of unexpected direction with it. I hope in the end, whether it's in some future Avengers or GOTG or Captain Marvel movie, that the lesson winds up being that both sides suck and have victims in a war like that. And I loved Ben Mendelsohn as Talos, both in acting and in how it was written. I liked that the character acknowledged his hands were covered in blood too. And I think they did well with some of the cultural gaps you'd have with different species. But overall, loved Talos, and the Skrulls. Hope we get more there.
  • I thought the humor hit home pretty well. It wasn't quite GOTG or Ant-Man level silly or anything, but it was funny.
  • Action scenes were solid overall. Though honestly, I think I enjoyed the more reserved scenes, like her fighting off Skrulls with her arms bound, compared to the Super Saiyan-esque bits at the end.
  • Standard Marvel movie, really. Basic, but enjoyable. Didn't take too many risks, but it stays entertaining throughout.


  • Apparently I'll be in direct disagreement with a few here, but I didn't like the soundtrack. This may just be personal taste. I'm much more a fan of orchestral soundtracks. With the exception of something like GOTG or Deadpool, where they're actively trying to be kind of ridiculous with it, I don't really like just standard radio songs over normal movie scenes. When she steals the bike and something plays on the radio, fine. Just A Girl playing during the fight, or Come As You Are playing during the Supreme Intelligence's scene are more off-putting to me.
  • The villain was meh. Nothing new to Marvel movies. Definitely not new to Marvel origin stories. But the villain was just eh. The twist made it a little more compelling. Flipping from Skrull to Kree. But I just can't bring myself to give a crap about Jude Law's character on any level. By the end he's no threat to Captain Marvel at all. His motivation is boring. 
  • I really didn't like the overall story telling method. So I want to be clear before I get into this, I'm actually fine with what some here would call the preachy side of a movie like this. I think there's a lot of good to be had in this kind of story, being told no or to stay down, keep getting up. Great for representation and relation. But I also don't think it made a lot of sense from a character development perspective. They build her up through these flashbacks to the past. Those moments are what defined her. But for most (maybe all? I don't honestly know if she got her memory back fully or not?) of the movie, she doesn't remember them. So you're propping those childhood and adolescent moments up as critical for her developing as a person, despite the current version of her not remembering them. Just a weird disconnect I felt. But, I also don't like that way of telling a story in general. The flashbacks, the amnesia, all of it stuff I'm not generally fond of in movies. All the bits around her getting her memories back just felt clunky, to me.


Overall was probably a mid-tier MCU origin story, for me. Below GOTG, Iron Man, and Black Panther. Above Thor, Hulk, and probably Doctor Strange and Ant-Man. In the middle somewhere with the other Cap and Spidey. Probably in the bottom third of the overall MCU for me, though.

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Was listening to the Collider spoiler review and one of the guys had a criticism that I think really defines the biggest problem with the movie.  The main character really doesn't develop.  She's a badass at the start, and the only real development is that she realizes she's an even bigger badass than she thought she was by the end.  She figures out she was duped by the Kree and remembers she's human, but she really doesn't go through any sort of change.  That lack of character development and growth is why this is just a solid movie and not a great movie.

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Finally saw the movie last night. I'd disagree a little bit with the assessment of Collider that she doesn't develop. I think we see her return to and redevelop her human roots. Marvel actually pulled off decently well what DC tries to do in every single movie, that's take an OP character who has no connection to the world really and end up with them feeling human. We saw that with Captain Marvel, so I think that's the change. However, I'm not sure it's fully pulled off, and there is a bit of that DC feel to the movie because it's a powerful character becoming more powerful.

I liked the music in the film, and I want to listen to more Garbage now. 

I think this movie will be high bottom half for me, it's enjoyable but far from a Marvel homerun.

What I care about coming out of it, I want to see how this ties into Endgame, though I'm a little worried that she' over powered for Earth. I also really want more Skrull, because while the Kree aren't "good guys" in the Marvel Universe, the Skrull are worse. I really hope that we get to see a Secret Invasion storyline at some point.

Larson was just a little bit flat for me as a super hero. She looked the part, but didn't sound the part.

Flirkin. The cat vomit sounds in the final credit scene were close to actual cat vomit sounds, just a little bit less harsh sounding.

The humor mainly fell flat for me most of the time.

The fight scenes, especially late in the movie, had the unfortunate quality of being too DC like and a bit flat. If you're going to have someone as powerful as Captain Marvel fight, you have to create real consequences and threats to people she cares about, which, like DC, they failed to do.

Another thing I really did like was Ronin was making plans to get her. It did feel like he was going to be powerful enough to deal with her, but he was there to bomb a planet and wasn't ready to take on her, versus that he couldn't have taken her on.

They did a really good job with the Kree. They are the definition of lawful neutral or supposed to be as a society, and while we were seeing rogue elements, you could tell their society was.

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