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Where are the Sigs?


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I mean a lot of this is because I had the coolest Sig I've definitely ever had or Norman with the Bow!!! But personally I miss the old format!!!!! The sigs broke up the posts for me and this just feels a lot like other social formats and it's kinda hard too tell who's who and it just doesn't feel as homely!!! But I'm old fashioned even though I'm not really that old I just miss the old layout!!! I knew when Woz was posting! I knew when turtle was posting I knew when Knight and Mike23 and everyone was posting because their Avitars and their Sigs and now it just seems so cluttered and small I just idk It's kinda keeping me away. Yes I sound like a whining girl but the new sight is just white and boring!!!!! 

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18 minutes ago, ripsean21 said:

I mean a lot of this is because I had the coolest Sig I've definitely ever had or Norman with the Bow!!! But personally I miss the old format!!!!! The sigs broke up the posts for me and this just feels a lot like other social formats and it's kinda hard too tell who's who and it just doesn't feel as homely!!! But I'm old fashioned even though I'm not really that old I just miss the old layout!!! I knew when Woz was posting! I knew when turtle was posting I knew when Knight and Mike23 and everyone was posting because their Avitars and their Sigs and now it just seems so cluttered and small I just idk It's kinda keeping me away. Yes I sound like a whining girl but the new sight is just white and boring!!!!! 

You have to go to your profile settings and turn sigs on.

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