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Is that the light at the end of the tunnel? (O.T. Thread)


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26 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Considering that between 50-70% of middle class Americans (and below) live paycheck to paycheck, this is undeniable, and I'd wager that I work with a good portion of them.

Yes and No

For example, our local district recently decided to cut teacher positions despite being financially solvent through 2027 while hiring more administrative positions...not renewal ones, BRAND NEW ones.

This is unreal.  This I’m sure is not unrelated to your point below about having ignorant people on the board.


26 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Sure, there are many well run ones. There are also many that are not well run. It's almost like having 5 random people on the school board that live in your community and aren't teachers or principals is a giant lottery that decides the entire future of a generation every 2-5 years. It would be like having someone like me on a hospital board making decisions about the next 5-10 years of medicine.

The issue, especially in smaller communities, is election to these boards isn’t based on qualifications, but who you know/prominence in your community.  We have a dude that grew up here, had a degree in agriculture, worked for Dekalb and now runs a local greenhouse/farm/market (just checked to see who was on it).  Like, pal, friend, bother in Christ, what the actual **** do you know about education?  2/5 have literally no education background lol

26 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

That is because, much like 120 years ago per my OP, the government has constantly refused, due to the same corruption and greed back in McKinley's day, to not enforce those antitrust laws that are already in place. We need to actually enforce laws that we have as opposed to creating new ones that then also won't get enforced.

Oh I’m not saying we need new laws per se, just that what we’re doing now isn’t providing what many believe it is.  We don’t actually have an economy built on competition at all.

26 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Oh make no mistake, I'm not anti letting kids explore the college option, but I am anti them getting pushed through. Some 18 year old former punk figures out life? Here's your second chance! For each underdog success story about Johnny "I was a lazy punk for 13 years and figured out life and made something of myself", I'll give you 10 other Johnny stories that don't have that ending.

Oh for sure, and I think we need to be doing more to make sure those other 10 kids don’t end up flat on their arse.  We need to be preparing kids for the real world because that’s simply not happening right now.

26 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'm going to assume he went on a monologue bashing Clinton's completely joke-worthy policies that created the crapstorm that is what we have today...he created zero ability to increase that sum over time...so here we are *checks notes* 27 years later with the same old same old. And I assume that they spent time on further evaluating how much people make who are "too rich to get help" as a result as well. I'll have to watch later.

lol it’s been a couple months since I’ve seen it but this is stunningly accurate, well done.  But yeah, he goes further into some of the things that the money is spent on too that have nothing to do with what the program was intended for.

Allow me a teaser for you:

elizabeth olsen GIF

26 minutes ago, MWil23 said:


Oh, I should have specified:

Those numbers were childcare PER KID PER YEAR, NOT OVERALL.

My wife and I did the math. Her staying at home and working part time for 7 years (you read that correctly) literally made us MORE MONEY each year because we didn't have to shell out between $10,000-$27,000 per year. So, she went back to work full time last July.

You mean your wife didn’t want to work full time just to afford daycare so she could work full time?  People these days just don’t wanna work I tell ya… 😂 

26 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Universal Pre School should happen. It would also create a lot more jobs. It's also not currently funded and there's no solution at the local/state/federal level(s), so it won't happen until education is streamlined.

Hell right now job creation isn’t even a huge concern and probably will be less of a concern moving forward.  What it will really do is allow people who want to stay in the work force to do so.  Women’s (primarily) careers and salaries won’t be stunted due to years of gaps in their resume.  More income for families, more employees for business, etc.

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5 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

This is unreal.  This I’m sure is not unrelated to your point below about having ignorant people on the board.


The issue, especially in smaller communities, is election to these boards isn’t based on qualifications, but who you know/prominence in your community.  We have a dude that grew up here, had a degree in agriculture, worked for Dekalb and now runs a local greenhouse/farm/market (just checked to see who was on it).  Like, pal, friend, bother in Christ, what the actual **** do you know about education?  2/5 have literally no education background lol

We have thankfully, an awesome community (not without its faults of course) who supports their schools. And ironically, it's one of the most conservative in the state. We will pass every levy 75/25 or 80/20 without question. Parent support with student accountability? CHECK and CHECK

That said, I've actually thought of running for school board for this exact reason...yes I know I know, cue up the Ron Swanson killing the beast from within jokes. But seriously...I have about 14-15 years in education and can be a part of the solution as a community member.

5 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Oh I’m not saying we need new laws per se, just that what we’re doing now isn’t providing what many believe it is.  We don’t actually have an economy built on competition at all.

Disney is the worst. Literally never going there or contributing to that at all. They own Marvel, ESPN, ABC, Pixar, Star Wars, Lucasfilm, Hulu, 20th Century Fox Studios, National Geographic, Touchstone, Hollywood Records, A&E...


So, people can hate on WHY Desantis is doing what he's doing, but he's also 100% right on their bullcrap antitrust exemption. They're literally dodging BILLIONS in taxes and then pull the "But But But we employ tens of thousands of people!!!!!" card.

5 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Oh for sure, and I think we need to be doing more to make sure those other 10 kids don’t end up flat on their arse.  We need to be preparing kids for the real world because that’s simply not happening right now.


And in my opinion, that starts with accountability and not just pushing kids through. It's more work to "fail a kid" then not, and that's a problem.

5 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

lol it’s been a couple months since I’ve seen it but this is stunningly accurate, well done.  But yeah, he goes further into some of the things that the money is spent on too that have nothing to do with what the program was intended for.

Allow me a teaser for you:

elizabeth olsen GIF

*Pats self on back*


5 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

You mean your wife didn’t want to work full time just to afford daycare so she could work full time?  People these days just don’t wanna work I tell ya… 😂 

Back to your "basic math" comment, LOL.

5 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Hell right now job creation isn’t even a huge concern and probably will be less of a concern moving forward.  What it will really do is allow people who want to stay in the work force to do so.  Women’s (primarily) careers and salaries won’t be stunted due to years of gaps in their resume.  More income for families, more employees for business, etc.

Job creation has been archaic since the Great Depression ended when Pearl Harbor was bombed December 7, 1941. It's about inflation, cost of living, standard of living, etc.






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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

We have thankfully, an awesome community (not without its faults of course) who supports their schools. And ironically, it's one of the most conservative in the state. We will pass every levy 75/25 or 80/20 without question. Parent support with student accountability? CHECK and CHECK

That said, I've actually thought of running for school board for this exact reason...yes I know I know, cue up the Ron Swanson killing the beast from within jokes. But seriously...I have about 14-15 years in education and can be a part of the solution as a community member.

lol.  Look at it this way, even if you’re not the most qualified, you’re more quailed than a guy known for having the best tomatoes in town.  Runs a great business, but good grief lol.

3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Disney is the worst. Literally never going there or contributing to that at all. They own Marvel, ESPN, ABC, Pixar, Star Wars, Lucasfilm, Hulu, 20th Century Fox Studios, National Geographic, Touchstone, Hollywood Records, A&E...


So, people can hate on WHY Desantis is doing what he's doing, but he's also 100% right on their bullcrap antitrust exemption. They're literally dodging BILLIONS in taxes and then pull the "But But But we employ tens of thousands of people!!!!!" card.

I mean, the why is because they challenged him if we’re being honest.  He’s a narcissistic jackass (like most politicians) and they bruised his ego.  He’s apparently said as much in his book.  I think what you’re describing is what he’s using as some sort of justifiable cover.

Im no fan of Disney, have turned down a free trip in fact, but I can’t pretend what he’s doing is for the benefit of the common man.  The majority of his platform is just being divisive and “protecting people from the woke mind virus” and whatever other nonsensical stuff he can cobble together.  It’s political theater to whip up his base.


3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Job creation has been archaic since the Great Depression ended when Pearl Harbor was bombed December 7, 1941. It's about inflation, cost of living, standard of living, etc.






Idk how much of this is factored into those numbers, but jobs created should likely continue to fall with AI, automation, etc., which is great.  The issue becomes wages have stayed stagnant as has the time we spend at work despite productivity increasing exponentially.

People are stuck on $15 an hour or whatever but if we’re being honest we should be pushing for something along the lines of $30 an hour and maybe a 32 hour work week.  The profitability, production capacity, etc. would still be higher than it was over the majority of the 20th century.

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40 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

We have thankfully, an awesome community (not without its faults of course) who supports their schools. And ironically, it's one of the most conservative in the state. We will pass every levy 75/25 or 80/20 without question. Parent support with student accountability? CHECK and CHECK

That said, I've actually thought of running for school board for this exact reason...yes I know I know, cue up the Ron Swanson killing the beast from within jokes. But seriously...I have about 14-15 years in education and can be a part of the solution as a community member.

Disney is the worst. Literally never going there or contributing to that at all. They own Marvel, ESPN, ABC, Pixar, Star Wars, Lucasfilm, Hulu, 20th Century Fox Studios, National Geographic, Touchstone, Hollywood Records, A&E...


So, people can hate on WHY Desantis is doing what he's doing, but he's also 100% right on their bullcrap antitrust exemption. They're literally dodging BILLIONS in taxes and then pull the "But But But we employ tens of thousands of people!!!!!" card.


And in my opinion, that starts with accountability and not just pushing kids through. It's more work to "fail a kid" then not, and that's a problem.

*Pats self on back*


Back to your "basic math" comment, LOL.

Job creation has been archaic since the Great Depression ended when Pearl Harbor was bombed December 7, 1941. It's about inflation, cost of living, standard of living, etc.







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16 hours ago, NateDawg said:

Police got a ton of flack for the response in Uvalde last year and with good reason - it was embarrassing. That said, the Nashville response was more or less as good as it’s trained up to be and no doubt saved lives. Worth the watch on youtube. I can tell you that the Uvalde situation never would have happened in Columbus and I’m sure other places would say the same. A lot of us are much better trained and have dealt with active shooter situations, just not in a school building maybe. Even recently, at least our dept went through on-site, active shooter training. And other agencies would say this, I’m sure, but we consider ourselves the most proficient department in the state. Hopefully, every agency is striving to feel the same. Some people weren’t meant to be the police, and the goal should be to weed those people out before it’s too late.
As far as completely solving the issue, that’s a complicated topic. Police in every school building is the starting point. I’m not a person that cares more about my right to have an AR than the lives of kids. I also know that it’s more complicated than that at this stage, and background checks aren’t really going to have much of a nexus to problem solving this.  Maybe not with school shooters specifically as some of that is seemingly out of nowhere, but with violent offenders in general, the judges and courts and city politics are the major reason crime is what it is. Most people committing these homicides and felonious assault are multi-repeat offending recidivists that the courts and judges have kicked loose with a wrist slap. In general, the politicians need to care more about problem-solving than they do filling their own pockets or getting reelected. Unrealistic idea on my part though.

Your a cop in cbus? Sidenote: Im sure other places would (and should) have handled it much better. Quite literally anything would have been better than what TX did. The one thing I am legitimately concerned about is the protesting in this city by...."groups who don't have good intent" to keep it PG.

Last Fall there was a group of very well known armed militia protesting in the streets I believe in Westerville and just last week there was a group of people who support a particular bad guy from Germany at Land Grant brewery instigating.

Any thoughts/insight on that?

Seeing more and more of these groups popping up weirdly in Columbus of all places doesn't exactly make me feel safe for my family to be out and about at events downtown. For instance, my wife and I like to go to ComFest every summer downtown, however this year I think we are passing.

It just sucks where we are at.

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3 hours ago, AkronsWitness said:

Your a cop in cbus? Sidenote: Im sure other places would (and should) have handled it much better. Quite literally anything would have been better than what TX did. The one thing I am legitimately concerned about is the protesting in this city by...."groups who don't have good intent" to keep it PG.

Last Fall there was a group of very well known armed militia protesting in the streets I believe in Westerville and just last week there was a group of people who support a particular bad guy from Germany at Land Grant brewery instigating.

Any thoughts/insight on that?

Seeing more and more of these groups popping up weirdly in Columbus of all places doesn't exactly make me feel safe for my family to be out and about at events downtown. For instance, my wife and I like to go to ComFest every summer downtown, however this year I think we are passing.

It just sucks where we are at.

Most of the groups protesting various things are typically not even from Columbus, but extremist groups from all over. Even the extremist BLMs in 2020 downtown who destroyed the city- a lot of them were paid adjutants. Which made the destruction in chaos that much more frustrating. They didn’t even have to live with the consequences. Those groups you named can be similarly categorized, they just chose Columbus to go to. It’s the capital city. As long as I can, remember, these types of groups pop up periodically. Going back a ways, even the KKK made its way to downtown Columbus maybe 20 years ago, before I started in Cbus.  

To answer your question in another way, no, I would not recommend I am out in Columbus in general. Not downtown. It used to be a safer place to go. City politics and leadership has destroyed that. There are no consequences for the actions that takes place from the courts, and the Mayor is everything this thread has been discussing but worse. They allow violent offenders to run rampant through the city. They have made it so police no longer are able to be proactive in locking people up without extreme liabilities. Just this past weekend, 10 people were shot overnight, half of them in the short north in one incident. Now, this is mostly gang violence. But this chaos has affected various areas, and there is no regard where the bullets fly, often times shooting people that owe money there on business. Or they are robbing and killing people who aren’t caught up in their world. Go have a nice dinner far from Columbus. That’s what I do. I moved 45 minutes from the city three years ago and commute to work every day and haven’t regretted it a single day since I did it.

Side note, but if you own a Kia or Hyundai, definitely don’t park it in Columbus, because one of these juveniles is bound to steal it. 

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