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Relationship Advice Thread


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18 hours ago, Daniel said:

Then it sounds to me like a relationship of any kind is impossible.  Unless you have like a private jet or something.



I'm willing to settle for maintaining contact if an actual relationship is impossible but we don't have a Maintaining Contact advice thread so this seemed like the best option. 

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On 2/28/2020 at 8:52 AM, Daniel said:

Oh, of course.

I've been out of the dating game for four years, so I forget these things.

If he needs, I have a collection of top-tier dongs to send if his falls short.

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On 2/28/2020 at 8:49 AM, skywindO2 said:

I'm willing to settle for maintaining contact if an actual relationship is impossible but we don't have a Maintaining Contact advice thread so this seemed like the best option. 

The answer here is simple...

Find her addresss, purchase the house next door. If there’s people already living there, kidnap them and put them in a glass box. Lots of women love the Joe Goldberg passion.

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On 2/27/2020 at 9:44 AM, Shanedorf said:

Be honest, just tell her you've been thinking about her and you would be bummed to not see her again

Such good advice. Dont over think things. It's not that hard if the chemistry is there. Just let it happen naturally

@skywindO2 part of overthinking it is trying to set some long term plan about how to be together or what your life would look like if it works out. Don't get ahead of yourself.

The first step is seeing her in person and figuring out what you have. Plan a weekend with her somewhere or a date of some kind. Maybe plan to meet her in her state on her terms and just see where this could possibly go. 

Seems like you have a natural connection. "maintaining" it is literally just about seeing each other in person and just enjoying each other's company to the fullest when you are with them, and then trying to be with them as frequently as you can while living so far away. 

Life is about timing. If you like her, no reason to wait. 

Just try to see her again and be honest with her (as @Shanedorf was saying) about how you feel ie "this feels real" "I feel like we have a strong connection" "I think I am really into you/falling for you" "I like spending time with you' 'this feels natural' - whatever it is that you feel where you aren't asking her to move states or trying to figure out logistics. You are waaaaay early for that part of it. 

I met my lady in LA and she stayed for 2.5 years after I left. I swore 2 years before I met her I would never do long distance again. The logistics made no sense when I committed to her but we made it work in the end because we lived in the now and didn't focus on the future. Things tend to work themselves out with time. 

On 2/28/2020 at 5:43 AM, Malfatron said:

lol, you dont just ask for nudes.

You send her some of yours first to put her at ease

Some poor schlub who doesn't know you is going to do this because some guy with eleven thousand internet points said to do it 

It's going to backfire. It's going to backfire big-time 

I hope you're happy with yourself 

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On 2/29/2020 at 8:07 PM, Nazgul said:

I have a collection of top-tier dongs


On 3/1/2020 at 7:56 PM, Nazgul said:

It never hurts to have a collection of aesthetically pleasing penises. 

This is not appropriate for the forum.  Drop this discussion now.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a date scheduled for this Friday with a girl from Bumble for BBT, and and wanted to do a speed dating event in April. 

Now...the BBT place is takeout only (but its still too cold to hang out outside on a bench) and all speed dating events are likely postponed for now...

Like a lot of other things, i guess dating life has to go on pause for now

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11 hours ago, 49ersfan said:

I had a date scheduled for this Friday with a girl from Bumble for BBT, and and wanted to do a speed dating event in April. 

Now...the BBT place is takeout only (but its still too cold to hang out outside on a bench) and all speed dating events are likely postponed for now...

Like a lot of other things, i guess dating life has to go on pause for now


Get your charm on, and wait for the disease to blow over I guess.

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12 hours ago, 49ersfan said:

I had a date scheduled for this Friday with a girl from Bumble for BBT, and and wanted to do a speed dating event in April. 

Now...the BBT place is takeout only (but its still too cold to hang out outside on a bench) and all speed dating events are likely postponed for now...

Like a lot of other things, i guess dating life has to go on pause for now

Could always try to setup a skype date if you really want to keep things moving in the dating world.

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