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Week 12: Packers (4-5-1) at VIKINGS (5-4-1)


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49 minutes ago, SemperFeist said:

If we get in, I like our chances against any of the teams that we’d likely play in the wild card game. 

yeah...I feel the same way...if we can stop giving away bonehead penalties on offense and fumbles , then I feel like on a given day, we will have pretty good chance against any of the wild card teams. Our defense since the Rams game has sort of given me this confidence. It's all gonna come down to how our OL is gonna stand up against good pass rushing units.

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4 hours ago, Klomp said:


This was comedy, right? 

If not, my mind is going feeble. Calling timeout in order to trot 12 guys into the huddle in the '09 NFC Championship game is not a thought I appreciate the bad attempt at comedy bringing to the front of my mind.

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On 11/21/2018 at 8:32 PM, CWood21 said:

Ooof.  A little bit of fact checking goes a LONG way.

2014 G1: 12/17, 70.59%, 156 passing yards, 3 TD, 0 interceptions
2014 G2: 19/29, 65.52%, 209 passing yards, 2 TD, 0 interceptions
2015 G1: 16/34, 47.06%, 212 passing yards, 2 TD, 0 interceptions
2015 G2: 28/44, 63.64%, 291 passing yards, 1 TD, 1 interceptions
2016 G1: 20/36, 55.56%, 213 passing yards, 1 TD, 1 interceptions
2016 G2: 28/38, 73.68%, 347 passing yards, 4 TD, 0 interceptions
2018 G1: 30/42, 71.43%, 281 passing yards, 1 TD, 0 interceptions

His QBR since 2014 EXCLUDING the lone series in 2017 is 100.85, which ironically only 0.4 points behind Peyton Manning.  Next.

I did fact-check, so I'm not sure where you got this QBR from.  If it's that ESPN thing, that's garbage.  Plus, you need to re-read my post, sir.  I threw out the 2014 season, since Zimmer was basically still installing his defense that entire year.  It was new to everyone.  Here are his ratings from those other games:

2015, G1: 86.9

2015, G2: 80.8

2016, G1: 70.7

2016, G2: 136.6

2018, G1: 97.4

I don't make those kind of comments without actually doing research, sir.  So, again, please re-read what I wrote before you accuse me of not doing it.


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On 11/22/2018 at 9:15 AM, RpMc said:

I really do hate Viking/Packer week around here...

I'm not sure why, it's generally the only game that generates any excitement.  And there isn't nearly the abundance of trash-talking that there once was.  

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29 minutes ago, swede700 said:

I'm not sure why, it's generally the only game that generates any excitement.  And there isn't nearly the abundance of trash-talking that there once was.  

Brings on the worst in some posters that's just unnecessary in my opinion - then again, maybe I just caught the worst of it on one of the few days I was able to check in here.

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5 minutes ago, RpMc said:

Brings on the worst in some posters that's just unnecessary in my opinion - then again, maybe I just caught the worst of it on one of the few days I was able to check in here.

It's possible, I haven't read most of the posts yet.  It does certainly bring out the worst of some of us, myself included, but even at our worst, it's still nicer than 99.5% of the posts you find elsewhere.  :D

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Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins dropped back near the 35 and flipped the ball to Cook, who made the catch in stride at the 33 and was off to the races. The running back surged ahead and through a cluster of Packers before trotting into the purple paint for the score. Cook’s touchdown was the Vikings first of the night and tied the game at 7, and he credited Vikings Offensive Coordinator John DeFilippo with a good play call and recounted the run for media members postgame.

Cook:  Pat got out there and got a great block on Martinez, and on the perimeter, Diggs and those guys, they block their tail off each and every play. Once I saw Pat get out there and do what he needed to do, I just said, ‘I’m not getting caught at the 1-yard line anymore; I’ve got to get in the end zone. It was a will thing at that point. You want to get in that end zone. You see guys celebrating, and you want to be involved in it. Just getting in the end zone, it felt great. No better feeling.”


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Offense played well enough but needs to develop a killer instinct and learn to FINISH drives.

Defense was very good, IMO. Packers went scoreless for 41:56...

Special Teams was good outside of the missed FGs, granted a 56 yarder is tough. Got to have the 48 yarder though.

All in all it feels good to get the W, obviously, the game was a lot closer than it needed to be IMO. Still waiting for this team to put together a complete effort. We were close this game.

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My thoughts on the game before moving on to the Evil Empire

-Was about 70/30 Vikings fans in the stadium. Pretty typical.

-The crowd was DEFLATED when Green Bay went up 7-0. There was a total "Here we go again...." until the Vikings punched Green Bay right back.

-I give up trying to figure out how Thielen makes some of those catches. I'm sure we'll find out that the Vikes stuff the ball with magnets and Adam has magnets in his gloves.

-That boot leg when Thielen got the TD was absolutely beautiful. Kirk had ALL DAY to throw the ball. I want to see that and play-action A LOT more from Flip & Co. Even if the run game isn't firing on all cylinders....at least make their D-Line be honest for a split second.

-I know Cook is just coming back from a long-term injury but I want to see him gradually take the majority of the work load. He seems like a RB that needs to get into a rhythm to be most effective. I'm not saying to split the carries 90/10 but I wouldn't mind seeing more of a 60/40 instead of the 50/50 we had last night (even though out RB's only ran the ball 21-22 times while Kirk had 6)

-THAT is what I want to see from Kirk. From the stands, it looked like he lived to play another down or ran the ball instead of forcing the ball with a dangerous throw. Kirk needs to sit back and realize he has a good defense behind him. No need to be Super Man out there.

-That entire series in the 2nd quarter with 2+ minutes left and a timeout + 2 min warning was a complete "Let's play not to lose" type of drive. Don't like that AT ALL. Look, I get it's the aura of Aaron Rodgers but we walk around bragging about how we have a top-3 defense and Rodgers doesn't look like Rodgers and we were moving the ball great before that. Stop living in fear of getting beat and start punching teams in the mouth. We pay a QB very good money to win games along with a top-3 defense. Besides, if it wasn't for Thielen's Callahan Brake Pads, we end up punting the ball to Rodgers with 1+ minute left on the clock and I think a timeout. Pretty counter-productive that we almost gave Rodgers the ball when trying to not give Rodgers the ball. I at least want to go down swinging if Rodgers is going to get the ball back.

-I hope Rhodes is OK. Would like him vs. Edelman next weekend.

-Of course Phil "I'm Smarter Than Everyone Else" Mackey had to poo-poo on the limbo celebration (apparently they did it in the CFL last year) but that's our best celebration yet.

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