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GDT: Boys v the dead French evangelists


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2 minutes ago, DaBoys said:

I've been alive long enough to see both of us win the SB.


But I was older win you did it. So my memory of your SB is more clear.


I want a new one.

how about this, we win this year,  you guys get it next  year when the Rams realize that all their high priced mercenaries were a mistake but they can't fix it and the Chiefs come a little more down to earth?

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10 minutes ago, Raves said:

how about this, we win this year,  you guys get it next  year when the Rams realize that all their high priced mercenaries were a mistake but they can't fix it and the Chiefs come a little more down to earth?

If you can guarantee it? You got yourself a damn deal, bud.

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This was the craziest game I’ve seen in a long time.  Everything I know about football was curb stomped in this game.  Dallas lost the turnover battle.  Dallas lost the penalty battle by a good margin.  Dallas committed some of the worst penalties at the worst times.  NO sacked Dak 7 times compared to 2 sacks on Brees.  On yet we won.  Mind freaking blown.  But that’s not all... this game probably should have been a legit blowout.  Think about the Gallop overthrown ball, the TOs that took points off the board, the roughing the kicker that led to the saints only TD (when we previously stopped the earlier in the drive as well), missing 3 starting OL, and  finally the play calling in the second half was putrid. This game should have been a blowout.  



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34 minutes ago, The_Slamman said:

This was the craziest game I’ve seen in a long time.  Everything I know about football was curb stomped in this game.  Dallas lost the turnover battle.  Dallas lost the penalty battle by a good margin.  Dallas committed some of the worst penalties at the worst times.  NO sacked Dak 7 times compared to 2 sacks on Brees.  On yet we won.  Mind freaking blown.  But that’s not all... this game probably should have been a legit blowout.  Think about the Gallop overthrown ball, the TOs that took points off the board, the roughing the kicker that led to the saints only TD (when we previously stopped the earlier in the drive as well), missing 3 starting OL, and  finally the play calling in the second half was putrid. This game should have been a blowout.  



This ain't the place to make the argument that I want to right now, nor is it the right time after a pint of Jack, but just remember, be humble in your win and you need to take the context in from both sides not just the one you're sitting.

Great game by the Cowboys, hopefully you knock the Rams out in the playoffs so the Saints get you in the Superdome.

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Ill watch the game later, but some observation from being at the stadium:


1. The refs + us tried really hard to blow this game. 

2. Zeke was way to tentative rushing. They were run blitzing the entire game. Zeke didnt have time to dance.

3. Our OL was pretty bad.

4. Our defense was suffocating. DBs played great. LVE killed it again. 

5. When LVE makes a play, they do wolf howls over the PA. Its awesome. 

6. In the first half, the Saints played mainly single high safety (stacked box). In the second half, the Saints played mainly 2 deep safeties. Our passing game scared them more than our running game. 

7. That said, the second half was a total struggle. Poor OL play, the Saints were playing coverage so no one was open, Zeke was getting stuffed at the LOS. Just a total cluster. 

8. One of the more impressive adjustments, on every first down the Saints would bring their SS into the box and run blitz. We ran on almost every first down. And then SL calls a beautiful deep ball pass on first down when the Saints are selling out for the run. But Dak over throws by a yard. So disappointing. 

9. Even with that, Dak was by far the reason our offense had any success. Was mostly on target, was mostly quick enough with his reads and extended some very key drives with his legs. 

10. I am already annoyed with all the radio shows on the ride home saying "The Cowboys only put up 13" to discredit us. We were a fluke fumble away from scoring on the second to last drive. On the last drive we kneeled out the game on the 1 yard line.

11. The Saints fans at the game were annoying. They were going bonkers on that scoring drive. I was like "Dude, you realize that we stopped you the entire way down the field, but each 3rd/4th down you got a first BY PENALTY! Not by anything you did!".  

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3 hours ago, Tony7188 said:

It should stay that way. As in Lee should remain on the bench (unless he's replacing Wilson). 

Blasphemy I know, but I don't want Smith or LVE off the field. 

See Below

3 hours ago, anthbes said:

At this point I don’t think we can take smith or LVE off the field. 

I loved romo, but Dak’s rookie season earned him the start. 

I love Lee, but LVE’s rookie season is earning him the playing time.

LVE was a total *MONSTER* in the first half. Shockingly, he actually didnt play nearly as much the second half. One of the adjustments the defensive staff made was any time the staff went 3/4 WR they pulled LVE off the field and put in Jordan Lewis.

3 hours ago, Raves said:

Not going to read all of your guys thread form when I last read at page like 8, but good game.  I wish I didn't have to mention the horrendous officiating that happened in this game, it hit both sides though I think it went more against the Saints, but you guys still 100% deserved the win because regardless of the refs the Saints were still in a position to win and they didn't.  So bravo, good luck in the playoffs, I hope you beat the Rams and have to play the Saints in the Superdome so we can return the favor.

Ill have to watch the broadcast, but it felt like literally the only time you guys ever got a first down, you had the refs to thank. Meanwhile, you guys ripped Daks head off + pushed off for your only TD and no flags. If we are being real, that game should have been closer to 20ish to 3 had the refs not bailed you out. 

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4 hours ago, Texas_OutLaw7 said:

Especially when you consider Dallas beat the Saint....and didn't score at all in the second half.


Zero scoring at all in the 4th. WHEW!

I mean, we were in the redzone twice in the 4th. We chose not to score on one of the trips. 

4 hours ago, Texas_OutLaw7 said:


He was going bananas on the sideline. They kept showing him on the jumbotron. 

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Ill have to watch the broadcast, but it felt like literally the only time you guys ever got a first down, you had the refs to thank. Meanwhile, you guys ripped Daks head off + pushed off for your only TD and no flags. If we are being real, that game should have been closer to 20ish to 3 had the refs not bailed you out. 

Well that was because they weren't calling you guys for tackling our WRs before the ball arrived.  Especially on the first few drives.  The amount of PI that wasn't called against the Cowboys while less was called against the Saints was quite obvious.  Granted there were bad calls that went in the Saints favor as well, at last watching the game on broadcast in realtime it felt like teh Cowboys were coming out ahead in the horrendous officiating that was going on.  I still think that Smith should be fined and suspended for the hit, the same as I would feel if a Saint player was involved in the same type of play.  I know he will 100% be fined and the NFL will come out later and say that it should've been a 15 yard penalty etc, but that type of hit doesn't belong and a combination of a fine plus the loss of pay from a game suspension would better drive home the seriousness the NFL wants those types of hits to be taken.

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5 hours ago, plan9misfit said:

You called that pick MONTHS before we made it, and only @Calvert28 and I understood. We didn’t want a WR. And I’m even happier with drafting LVE today than I was 7 months ago.

Lol. Keep patting yourself on the back. Virtually everyone knew we were going with LVE and we all understood why. 

5 hours ago, quiller said:

I will say this and **** up. Look how bad Brees was in this game why. We got regular pressure an him.  There is very few if any QB who will succeed on a regular basis when he’s dealing with defended at his feet all game 

I really need to watch the broadcast. Brees seemed like he had forever. We were content to rush 4 and play coverages. And much like Dak, once both teams committed to playing coverage, neither QB could do a damn thing. 

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I mean, at the stadium, that hit was freaking awesome. It felt like old school lay someones arse out football. The kind of hit that happened every game for 50 years until we have been brainwashed to as for a flag anytime someone gets hit hard. It did look like their helmets collided, but it appeared that it was completely unintentional as both of them were going down at the same time. 


LIS - Ill need to go back and watch the broadcast. 

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16 minutes ago, anthbes said:

Anyone complaining about a LB hitting a RB needs to go watch soccer. 

Helmet to helmet is for defenseless WR and QB’s. 

You take the rock on a hand off, fair game...

Let me throw a bowling ball and hit you in the head then and let me know if you think it's fair game.

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