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Week 16 GDT Packers @ Jets "I Believe That Gute..."


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59 minutes ago, Norm said:

I missed what happened until after as well. Definitely disappointing. I was pretty sure we'd drop this one too.

Yep, first time I checked it was 21-7 and I was like "alright!". Then 35-20 and I'm like good good.

Then saw us take the lead and then jets tie it and then took off.

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4 hours ago, cannondale said:

Lots of people in here never played sports before....apparently

What exactly do we gain by starting Rodgers?  Look, I'm not asking for them to shutdown the roster, but anyone whose already nursing an injury (i.e. Kenny Clark, Randall Cobb, etc.), shut them down.  There's no reason for them take an active roster spot when there is nothing to gain.  And given how much we invested in Aaron Rodgers this past offseason, what happens if God forbid he has an Alex Smith injury?  Not only are you screwing yourself out of 2019, you're probably not going to be better off beyond that.  There was no reason for Aaron Rodgers to play today, plan and simple.  I have no issues with the Packers playing their young guys, and if we win so be it.  But playing the guy we literally just invested $134M in is a stupid decision no matter which way you slice it.

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15 minutes ago, TheGreatZepp said:

I flew with a 4y, 2y and 6m to Disney twice. It was like a never ending 2 minute drill trying to keep them quiet and in their seats. 

I'll give credit to my 3yr old. She was better a better passenger than 90% of everyone on there. The 1yr old was a disaster 😂

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19 minutes ago, CWood21 said:

What exactly do we gain by starting Rodgers?  Look, I'm not asking for them to shutdown the roster, but anyone whose already nursing an injury (i.e. Kenny Clark, Randall Cobb, etc.), shut them down.  There's no reason for them take an active roster spot when there is nothing to gain.  And given how much we invested in Aaron Rodgers this past offseason, what happens if God forbid he has an Alex Smith injury?  Not only are you screwing yourself out of 2019, you're probably not going to be better off beyond that.  There was no reason for Aaron Rodgers to play today, plan and simple.  I have no issues with the Packers playing their young guys, and if we win so be it.  But playing the guy we literally just invested $134M in is a stupid decision no matter which way you slice it.

What happens if Rodgers doesn't want to sit? Say what you want about he doesn't run the team, yada yada, the guy has some things he needs to work on this off-season. He's also to the stage of HOF, vet, diva QB mode. I'm not forcing Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, Drew Brees or any QB of that nature to sit if they don't want to and are at a point medically where they do not have an injury that has a high chance of worsening by playing. The last thing we need is that guy coming back in May already in a mood because management forced him out of a game. Do I want him to play? No. Do you risk him not being "all in" if he comes to you and says he wants to play and you tell him too bad? I think you certainly do, and that's a risk Gute didn't want to take. There's no winning here, you all are looking at it from one side here. There's a risk to Aaron being hurt physically and a risk to Aaron of being hurt mentally depending on how you handle the situation. What's the risk that could hurt us more in 2019? That's the call you have to make when you're in charge.

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14 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

What happens if Rodgers doesn't want to sit? Say what you want about he doesn't run the team, yada yada, the guy has some things he needs to work on this off-season. He's also to the stage of HOF, vet, diva QB mode. I'm not forcing Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, Drew Brees or any QB of that nature to sit if they don't want to and are at a point medically where they do not have an injury that has a high chance of worsening by playing. The last thing we need is that guy coming back in May already in a mood because management forced him out of a game. Do I want him to play? No. Do you risk him not being "all in" if he comes to you and says he wants to play and you tell him too bad? I think you certainly do, and that's a risk Gute didn't want to take. There's no winning here, you all are looking at it from one side here. There's a risk to Aaron being hurt physically and a risk to Aaron of being hurt mentally depending on how you handle the situation. What's the risk that could hurt us more in 2019? That's the call you have to make when you're in charge.

I get all of these guys are competitors. But sometimes you have to play the long game. And physical health, especially for a QB in his mid 30's is paramount to get next year started right.

I do know that no team will ever do that...until one of these superstar QBs goes down in a meaningless game. Then things will change right quick.

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2 hours ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

As opposed to what? Free Agency? Trades?

I've seen the "you can still find first round All Pro caliber players" in numerous spots and it's like beating my head into a wall.

Yes. You CAN find great players at all draft spots. But it SURE IS EASIER when you can pick top 5. Or even top 10. 

Winning is great. Rah rah rah. But with a HOF QB you rarely get a shot at a top pick. Unfortunately, much like they failed to do in 2013 and last year, the Packers mucked it up.

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2 hours ago, Norm said:

No no, my bad. Sorry I don't think we're going back to an era where we made the playoffs like twice in 20 years because we won one game hurting our draft position. How dishonest of me. You literally said that game and those decisions by the people running the show make you think that will happen again. There's nothing dishonest about it. It's what you said. Trying to subtly insult me doesn't work. I'm not that insecure. What you're saying is over the top negative exaggeration, it's a personality trait. It's also connect to **** like still being butthurt that people didn't like your old *** opinions that you think you were right about and have to beat your chest over. Nobody cares, nobody is keeping score. You're being extreme, you're exaggerating the hurt this could cause the team, you're pretending everyone is thrilled over this win but you, and anyone who isn't agree is obviously a big dumby poo poo head who has a "wrong opinion." Blah, ignore list, you're a dupe anyways.

Awe shucks.  Someone with very little to offer, who spouts opinions based on a lack of knowledge regarding the basis for my posts,  is bothered by my posts.   The fact you want to mischaracterize my comments to form an argument shows your lack of intellectual honesty.  Based on your input in this thread I would be proud to be on your ignore list.  You entered the discussion in the middle, clueless about the previous posts, and jumped right to insults.  I'm not insecure regarding my thoughts or knowledge either.   

Comments that winning today wasn't positive is not over the top negative.  It is simply recognizing the situation.   We gained nothing from the win.  We lost several slots toward the draft, which might mean little, or could mean quite a bit.  No reason for it to happen either way.

Pointing out that TT's last 5 years or so of drafting was poor is not over the top negative.   Pointing out that our current man in charge has some work to do to earn some trust is not over the top negative.   They have taken a team with one of the all time great QB's and essentially done very little with it now for 7 years.  They hung on to a DC years too long.  They hung on to a GM with obvious health issues years too long.   Those are the type of actions that can lead to lean times.  I didn't say they WOULD make long term failure happen.  I said it COULD happen.  There is a huge difference there,  but you have made it clear you would rather mischaracterize peoples statements than actual read them with a critical eye to understand what is being said.

That said-  Have a nice Christmas.   Hope you enjoy it more than you like my posts.

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1 hour ago, CWood21 said:

What exactly do we gain by starting Rodgers?  Look, I'm not asking for them to shutdown the roster, but anyone whose already nursing an injury (i.e. Kenny Clark, Randall Cobb, etc.), shut them down.  There's no reason for them take an active roster spot when there is nothing to gain.  And given how much we invested in Aaron Rodgers this past offseason, what happens if God forbid he has an Alex Smith injury?  Not only are you screwing yourself out of 2019, you're probably not going to be better off beyond that.  There was no reason for Aaron Rodgers to play today, plan and simple.  I have no issues with the Packers playing their young guys, and if we win so be it.  But playing the guy we literally just invested $134M in is a stupid decision no matter which way you slice it.

After the game Rodgers talked about him playing in this game.  He said he wouldn't be much of a leader if he sat out while his teammates were busting their tails out there with their bumps and bruises.  Bak said if 12 is out there he's out there too.  Both Bulaga and Bak are banged up.  Rodgers might not be a rah-rah leader like Brees but he showed he would put his body on the line and compete with his teammates.  I suspect his teammates appreciated that.  One of them also liked how Aaron  went over to the clown who punched Bulaga and expressed his displeasure.  These actions by the leader of the team do not go unnoticed by the guys and this is why he played and will play next week unless he gets hurt during the week at practice.    

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2 hours ago, Pugger said:

After the game Rodgers talked about him playing in this game.  He said he wouldn't be much of a leader if he sat out while his teammates were busting their tails out there with their bumps and bruises.  Bak said if 12 is out there he's out there too.  Both Bulaga and Bak are banged up.  Rodgers might not be a rah-rah leader like Brees but he showed he would put his body on the line and compete with his teammates.  I suspect his teammates appreciated that.  One of them also liked how Aaron  went over to the clown who punched Bulaga and expressed his displeasure.  These actions by the leader of the team do not go unnoticed by the guys and this is why he played and will play next week unless he gets hurt during the week at practice.    

Such heart!  Made me feel good to give high fives to people at the bar!

We're hearting our way to the SB next year, yall!  Based on Rodgers' toughing it out ~400 days prior!  Way more impactful than increasing your odds at a star...

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6 hours ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Why do you care if anybody shows up next week? Of all the random *** concerns, why???

The NFL has no integrity! The NFL is a horrible league, supervising a game that turns it's participants into physically and mentally handicapped shells of them former selves, played by the very best athletes, frequently of horrific character. There's no integrity in the NFL. what a ridiculous idea. NFL head coaches would order Mafia hits on opposing players if they thought they could get away with it.

As far as people dropping the sport, that's what everybody said about basketball. Until their teams started winning again and Philly is selling out their games.

Props to you on this thread - you're 100% on point.

At this point, it is organizational incompetence to try to win these meaningless games.  This game scared me, because there's now evidence that the team is unwilling to do what it takes to improve our future - to think outside the box and outsmart teams in every way.  Or worse, they believe in meathead cliches like, "you play to win the game", as though that would outweigh a potential star coming in.

Winning this game was like eating a cheesecake when you have a bodybuilding competition coming up.

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2 hours ago, Pugger said:

After the game Rodgers talked about him playing in this game.  He said he wouldn't be much of a leader if he sat out while his teammates were busting their tails out there with their bumps and bruises.  Bak said if 12 is out there he's out there too.  Both Bulaga and Bak are banged up.  Rodgers might not be a rah-rah leader like Brees but he showed he would put his body on the line and compete with his teammates.  I suspect his teammates appreciated that.  One of them also liked how Aaron  went over to the clown who punched Bulaga and expressed his displeasure.  These actions by the leader of the team do not go unnoticed by the guys and this is why he played and will play next week unless he gets hurt during the week at practice.    

From a sporting perspective I agree and its good to see. However I doubt this sort of thing will carry into next year. Personally I would have benched Bakh as well. Its a basically everything to lose and nothing to gain thing. Odds are we get through these games without either of them ruining their knee. But if they don't and we lose one for 2019 would you still be happy ?

The draft position isn't the end of the world. But if we think it doesn't matter then we need to accept we basically cut Ha Ha. Because we lost about three times as much draft capital yesterday than we gained from the ''trade".  Or to put it another way, the pick we got from NO that everyone was excited about may be worth about 600 points. Which is the same as the difference between 6th and 16th. 

Its where the draft system falls apart really. It shouldn't be that beneficial to lose 2 games.

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It's like somebody posted before regarding thoughts on the sitting Rodgers/Bak situation.  There are 2 distinct thought processes on this:  sit starters who are "hurting" for a higher draft choice  position next year or let them play to win the game for various feel good points.  I'm torn as I can see both points.  However, I'm one to think both are ok and like to see the Packers win hoping the draft spot we end up with will be used for a position of need.    

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