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Actors you never need to see again


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Let's say you could make a movie with a production that never ends, sort of like a time warp--so that none of the actors or actresses involved would ever finish it, nor would we ever have to see them in another film again. Name your cast with director and title if desired. Mine is:

* Keanu Reeves

* Nicolas Cage

* Sarah Jessica Parker

* John Cena

* Jennifer Aniston

* Shia LaBeouf

* Everybody who looks like Shia LaBeouf

* All the Kardashians

DIRECTOR: Michael Bay

TITLE: The Really Unfunny Horribly Written Family Romantic Reality Action Comedy With Helicopters Where Lots of Things Go Boom

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1 minute ago, naptownskinsfan said:

You forgot to throw in "helicopters" into the title of a Michael Bay film.  Everyone knows that a Michael Bay film needs copious amounts of helicopters.  

What was I thinking?! Fixed.

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I think Amy Adams. I actually want to see more of Shia Lebeouf honestly lol. I get no enjoyment out of seeing John Cena in anything. I’ll pop back in later once I think of more actors I hate cause I haven’t thought too much about it. Ben Kingsley

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