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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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Low key, there is one mod on this site who I find to be a complete (dummy) and he's a complete joke. Every time I turn around he's saying something else moronic. No it's not someone here, or even in a rival teams forum. It's someone sort of random in relation to us.

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6 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

I think the natural progression is to use Keto to get your blood sugar, weight and cholesterol where you want them. And then transition to Paleo, which bumps the carb intake from 20 grams to 70 grams. 

For me personally, I use it because my family has an extensive history of heart disease. Plus when I am not adhering to it, I drink too much beer which makes me swell up, feel like crap and gain weight.

Just moving this conversation here:

Glad to hear that you are taking preemptive measures to preserve your health. I've always been a hardgainer, so unless I literally go out of my way to make myself eat more (healthy foods, not ****), I won't gain weight. Making things into sandwiches where I otherwise wouldn't is one of the easiest ways for me to add extra calories. I've been stuck at 140 lately, and unless I make a conscious effort to eat more food my weight won't go any higher. I'm sure drinking other drinks besides water would benefit me. Never liked soda or beer because of carbonation and they're not good for me anyways. Juice has too much sugar. I usually do try to have a protein shake each day, but I find protein to be by far the easiest thing to overconsume, and after basically 1 g/ lb of bodyweight, it has very little benefits. That's why to gain weight I try to have an combination of excess fat and carbs both.

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