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Antonio Brown officially asks for trade - Bills trade falls through


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2 hours ago, Thomas5737 said:

Bell and Brown can be rah rah guys but they don't really have a leadership mentality. Ben really doesn't either, not a real effective one anyway, but Bell (I didn't know it was illegal to drive while high) and AB (listen or read anything) aren't the most intelligent guys in that locker room. You don't have to be average intelligence to play football but your leaders probably should be. Leader doesn't mean best player. Flip side, dumb guys will use dumb logic to explain why stuff they had a lot to do with isn't their fault. A smarter man wouldn't think about taking no blame, it's obvious there is blame to go around and that guy in the mirror has to accept at least 50% of it and that is being generous.

They do thier rag rah on the field. They won't be disrespected by the league nor thier QB who thinks he has the right to say whatever and thinks All people won't confront him or call him out for it. Ben is the QB and from everything I know about professional football the QB is suppose to be the guy to lead the team not call people out publicly, Nor disrespect the team for drafting a QB and lets not forget he did pay off 2 females who accused him of rape. The standards by witch Brown gets the opportunity to live by are in the same standards as Ben but yet people cant seem to understand Browns expressions of that. His multiple seasons of 100 catches backs everything that he has said, he doesn't owe Ben anything and to me Ben doesn't see it that way. Ben thinks he is superior to Bell and Brown. Both did thier job just as Ben did and by stacts I would say better than Ben. So why would the QB only invite Brown to his house 1 time? This guy is helping You plus the team win. Why aren't you inviting this guy in? 

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24 minutes ago, Skins212689 said:

They do thier rag rah on the field. They won't be disrespected by the league nor thier QB who thinks he has the right to say whatever and thinks All people won't confront him or call him out for it. Ben is the QB and from everything I know about professional football the QB is suppose to be the guy to lead the team not call people out publicly. Nor disrespect the team for drafting a QB and lets not forget he did pay off 2 females who accused him of rape. The standards by witch Brown gets the opportunity to live by are in the same standards as Ben but yet people cant seem to understand Browns expressions of that. His multiple seasons of 1000 catches backs everything that he has said, he doesn't owe Ben anything and to me Ben doesn't see it that way. He did his job just as Ben did and by stacts I would say better than Ben. So why would the QB only invite this guy to his house 1 time? This guy is helping You plus the team win. Why aren't you inviting this guy in? 

Are you Antonio? I may believe it if you tell me you are. I wouldn't argue AB's position with AB because I believe it would be futile and I won't debate it with you either for that same reason. He should be gone from Pittsburgh and I expect nothing but sunshine where ever he ends up so I see no future troubles for AB on or off of the field.

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1 minute ago, Thomas5737 said:

Are you Antonio? I may believe it if you tell me you are. I wouldn't argue AB's position with AB because I believe it would be futile and I won't debate it with you either for that same reason. He should be gone from Pittsburgh and I expect nothing but sunshine where ever he ends up so I see no future troubles for AB on or off of the field.

He ends up in a place like San Fran things will be sunshine. 

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