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Overwatch Mafia 2.0 - Game Over - The Six Stack Wins!!!


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1. ET - McCree (Split Triple Voter)

2. Gopher - Lucio (1-shot multiple Loverizer)

3. Dome - Doomfist (2-shot Vigilante)

4. Swag - Brigitte (Jack of all Trades)

5. Tk3 - Pharah (Bus Driver)

6. Forge - Bastion (Double Voter)

7. Flacco - Zarya (Non-Consecutive Doctor)

8. Rack - Widowmaker (Watcher)

9. MD4L - Tracer (Even-night Vigilante)

10. Woz - Mei (2-shot Lynchproof)

11. Matts - D.Va (Lynchproof Maker)

12. Fin

13. Orca

14. Danger

15. Malf

16. Rick

17. Rag

18. Mwil

19. James

20. Bcb

21. Naz

22. Touch

23. Counselor

24. Squire




Soldier 76 (Vanilla Townie)

McCree (Split Triple Voter)

Tracer (Even night Vig)

Reaper (2-shot Commuter)

Genji (Vanilla Townie)

Hanzo (Tracker)

Pharah (Bus Driver)

Bastion (Double Voter)

Junkrat (Vengeful Vigilante)

Mei (2-shot Lynchproof)

Sombra (3-shot Roleblocker)

Doomfist (2-shot Vigilante)

Widowmaker (Watcher)

Zarya (Non-Consecutive Doctor)

Winston (Odd Night Jailkeeper)

D.Va (Lynchproof Maker)

Orisa (1-shot vote motivator)

Reinhardt (1-shot multiple Roleblock)

Mercy (1-shot Governor)

Moira (strong Loverizer)

Lucio (1-shot multiple Loverizer)

Zenyatta (loverizer/haterizer)

Ana (1-shot motivator)

Brigitte (Jack of all Trades)

Baptiste (1-shot multiple Governor)


@FinneasGage OTC

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Day 1

1. ET - McCree (Split Triple Voter) – Swag* (19), Orca** (19), Rick*** (19)

2. Gopher Lucio (1-shot multiple Loverizer) -

3. Dome – Doomfist (2-shot Vigilante) -

4. Swag – Brigitte (Jack of all Trades) – Malf (15), Matts (42)

5. Tk3 – Pharah (Bus Driver) -

6. Forge – Bastion (Double Voter)James (40)

7. Flacco – Zarya (Non-Consecutive Doctor) – Gopher (13)

8. Rack – Widowmaker (Watcher) -

9. MD4L – Tracer (Even-night Vigilante) -

10. Woz – Mei (2-shot Lynchproof) -

11. Matts – D.Va (Lynchproof Maker) – ET (12), Gopher (15), Squire (40)

12. Fin

13. Orca – Matts (20)

14. Danger – Gopher (13), Counselor (38)

15. Malf – Danger (8), Gopher (32), Unvote (37)

16. Rick – Malf (12), Gopher (14), Dome (24), MD4L (41)

17. Rag

18. Mwil – Gopher (11)

19. James – Danger (18)

20. Bcb

21. Naz

22. Touch

23. Counselor – Gopher (13)

24. Squire


Vote Count (13 to lynch)

3 Gopher – Mwil, Flacco, Counselor
2 James – Forge,
1 Danger – James
1 Matts – Swag
1 Swag – ET1
1 Orca – ET2
1 Rick – ET3
1 Matts – Orca
1 MD4L – Pickle
1 Counselor – Danger
1 Squire – Matts


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1 minute ago, SwAg said:


Get rid of it before he can use it.

Or get rid of me before I can activate my lynchproofneas.

Wait ... skip that ...

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10 hours ago, Whicker said:

Character/Role List


Soldier 76


I've got you in my sights”

Abilities (Vanilla Townie)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.





It's High Noon.”

Abilities (Split Triple Voter)

Deadeye – During the day phase, you may have your vote on up to three different players at the same time. Your votes must be differentiated in a way that's clear to me.





Cheers, love! The cavalry's here!”

Abilities (Even-night Vigilante)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Pulse Bomb – Each even night, choose one player. You will attempt to kill that player.





Die! Die! Die!”

Abilities (2-shot Commuter)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Wraith Form – Twice during the game, at night, you may use your wraith form. While in wraith form, you are untargetable by all night actions, including kills.





I need healing!”

Abilities (Vanilla Townie)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.





Marked by the dragon”

Abilities (Tracker)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Sonic Arrow – Each night, choose one player. You will learn which player(s) that player targeted, if any.





Clear skies, full hearts, can't lose!”

Abilities (Bus Driver)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Concussive Blast – Each night choose two players. Each ability targeting one will instead target the other. You may NOT target yourself.





Boo Boo Doo De Doo”

Abilities (Double Voter)

Highest DPS – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire. Your vote will carry a weight of 2.





Happy Birthday!”

Abilities (Vengeful Vigilante)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Total Mayhem – After you are successfully lynched, you may choose a player. You will attempt to kill that player.






Abilities (2-shot lynchproof)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Ice Block – Twice during the game, at night, you may choose to activate your ice block. During the following day phase, you may not be voted for.





¡Apogando las luces!”

Abilities (Three-shot Roleblocker)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Hacker – Three times during the game, at night, you may choose a player. That player will be unable to perform any actions that night.






Abilities (2-shot Vigilante)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Rocket Punch – Twice during the game, at night, you may target a player. You will attempt to kill that player.





No one can hide from my sight”

Abilities (Watcher)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Infra-Sight – Each night choose a player. You will learn which player(s) visited your target that night.






I want to hug you like big, fuzzy, Siberian bear!”

Abilities (Non-consecutive Doctor)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Particle Barrier – Each night, choose one player. That player will be protected from all kills for that night. You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.






This will protect us!”

Abilities (Odd-night Jailkeeper)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Barrier Projector – Each odd night choose a player. That player will be simultaneously roleblocked and protected from all night actions, including kills. You may NOT target yourself.





Nerf this!!”

Abilities (Lynchproof maker)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Defense Matrix – Each night you may choose a player. The following day, that player cannot be voted for. You may NOT target yourself.





Cease your resistance!”

Abilities (1-shot vote motivator)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Supercharger – Once during the game, at night, you may target up to three players. The following day, those three players will have their votes carry a weight of 2.





Bring me another!”

Abilities (1-shot multiple roleblock)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Earthshatter – Once during the game, at night, you may choose up to four players. Those players will be unable to perform any actions for that night.





Heroes never die!”

Abilities (1-shot Governor)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Resurrect – Once during the game, you may pardon any lynch, excluding your own.





Such a flawed creation.”

Abilities (Strong Loverizer)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Regeneration – Each night, choose a player. That player will begin the next day with (-2) votes. You may NOT target yourself.





Ah, look at this team. We're gonna do great.”

Abilities (1-shot multiple Loverizer)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Sound Barrier – Once during the game, at night, you may choose up to five players. Those players will begin the next day with (-1) votes.





Overconfidence is a flimsy shield.”

Abilities (Loverizer/Haterizer)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Harmony/Discord Orb – Each night, choose one player. That player will begin the next day with your choice of (-1) or (+1) votes. You may NOT target yourself.





Stick to the plan, and if you get into trouble, I'll bail you out.”

Abilities (1-shot motivator)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Nano-Boost – Once during the game, at any time, choose a player. That player will gain an extra use of their ability. You may NOT target yourself.





Oh! That feels good!”

Abilities (Jack-of-All-Trades)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Barrier Shield – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all night actions, including kills. You may NOT target yourself.

Shield Bash – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will be stunned and unable to perform any actions for that night.

Whip Shot – Once during the game, at night, choose two players. All actions targeting one of those players will target the other. You may NOT target yourself.





Light 'em up!”

Abilities (1-shot multiple Governor)

Focus Fire – During the day phase, you may vote for whomever you wish to focus fire.

Immortality Field – Once during the game, at night, choose up to three players. If one of your chosen players is lynched the following day, he will be pardoned.


Can you add to front page please

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